Technology for Tracking Kids

Technology Options For Tracking Kids

It’s easy these days to track teenagers through their smartphones using various parent apps or the Apple “Find My Phone” feature. Knowing where their kids are can be a huge relief for many parents. But what about children that are too young for smartphones? These “tweens” and preteens may be old enough to roam around...

Fifteen Techie Gadgets you Need Today

Birthday, anniversary, or any other gift giving occasion – searching for that perfect gift is always a challenge. For the techie in your life, the latest gadget is always a terrific option. Better yet if that gadget is focused on safety and security – kill two birds with one stone! Give the gift they want...

Protecting Seniors from Fraud

The FBI reported there was over $1 billion in losses in 2020 based on complaints of fraud against those over 60. Schemes against the elderly take on all forms. They often appeal to their lack of tech knowledge or tug on their heartstrings. Some seniors are physically or mentally vulnerable to these fraudsters. Others are...

What do I Need to Know about the 3G Sunset?

Alarm systems use cellular communication to send signals to the central station for monitoring. These devices get upgraded every few years to reflect the cellular standard of the time. The current standard is what is called LTE which is 4G, with 5G coming soon.  Over time, the cellular providers stop supporting previous versions. 2G was...

can your cameras be hacked

Can your Cameras be Hacked?

Many “do it yourself” security camera systems like Nest and Ring got negative publicity in recent years because cameras were hacked. The companies took the heat even though the hack wasn’t with their system, but likely from a data breach. Keeping Systems Safe A number of widespread data breaches in recent years gave hackers access...

Does it Matter who I have Install my Camera System?

Obviously you want only professionals to perform needed work at your home or business. There are many rules, codes and even laws about who can perform certain work, like electrical and plumbing. But when it comes to a camera system, does it really matter if the installer is a licensed security professional? In these times...

Thieves Hacking your Online Accounts

One Sunday afternoon in the early summer, I was sitting on the back porch shopping online on my phone.  I ordered cat doors and a few other low priced items from Home Depot.  The items arrived later that week and I thought nothing more about it. The next weekend, again I was sitting on the...

Keeping your Kids Safe Online

Teaching our kids to be safe out in the world has always been a core part of parenting.  From “Stranger Danger” to looking both ways before crossing the street, we know how to equip them to be aware and alert. But what about the cyber world?  Keeping your kids safe online is a whole different...

warehouse security, warehouse with forklift

6 Tips to Enhance Warehouse Security

A commercial warehouse isn’t an easy target for criminals. But, burglars gain big rewards if they get away with burglarizing it. They may be after consumer products stored there or the machinery and equipment used to run the facility, Either way, criminals find warehouse content very desirable. How can you improve the security of your warehouse?...

Smart Speakers: What you Need to Know

Ok Google, Alexa, Hey Siri. These are phrases that can be used to interact with a smart speaker via Google, Amazon or Apple. And while these virtual assistants are great for playing music, setting a timer or asking a question, take extra precaution when using them in other ways. Home Automation A number of third...

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