can your cameras be hacked

Can your Cameras be Hacked?

Many “do it yourself” security camera systems like Nest and Ring got negative publicity in recent years because cameras were hacked. The companies took the heat even though the hack wasn’t with their system, but likely from a data breach.

Keeping Systems Safe

A number of widespread data breaches in recent years gave hackers access to login data for millions of consumers. Since many people use the same login credentials for multiple purposes, they are vulnerable if they are still using those passwords for other sites.  If they are using this information for their security systems, they need to take action right away to lock things down.  Some tips for protecting the cameras:

  • When setting your app for the CCTV system, use complex passwords and not a password used for other websites. Complex passwords include a combination of letters, numbers and special characters as well as both upper- and lower-case letters.
  • Confirm with your installer that they changed the default login information for the cameras themselves to be something different than the factory credentials. If not, anyone can look up the factory default and use that information to get into your cameras.
  • If the cameras have the option of two-step authentication, use it.  This provides a second layer of defense against an outside person getting into the system. It requires that a code from an email or text be entered to log in.
  • Keep firmware updated. Security patches are often included in upgrades, and it is important to keep the system current to take advantage of the latest updates.

Think Broadly

The tips above are important for all smart devices. Be sure to protect all smart items in the home, including baby monitors, video doorbells and even voice activated assistants. And above all else, secure the home network.  This should always be locked down with challenging passwords. Keeping the individual pieces of equipment safe is important but protecting the network is imperative. Read more about keeping it safe here.

We Can Help

The best way to ensure a safe and well-protected CCTV system is to have it installed by a licensed security provider. Call Cultris Security at 281-506-8466 or visit us online for more information.

Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Article Name
Can your Cameras be Hacked?
With recent large-scale data breaches, millions of consumers have found their login credentials compromised. Camera systems are one area where a hacked password can be used by others for negative purposes. Protecting these systems and the home network are of utmost importance.

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