Remove Temptation - shut down crimes of opportunity

Removing Temptation – Shutting Down Crimes of Opportunity

Recent online posts reveal people waking in the morning to discover thieves have rifled through their cars during the night and taken items. Not surprisingly, replies indicate others on the same street or nearby experienced the same thing on the same night! The common thread almost every time is that the car doors were left...

10 Ways to Secure your Home while you are on Vacation

Ahhh….summer vacation. Time to unplug, relax, unwind and have some fun with friends or loved ones. The summer months see the highest number of burglaries, often due to people being away. So, while you’re scrambling to find sunscreen and other vacation necessities, don’t forget to secure your home while you’re away. 1. Stop Mail and Newspapers...

Keep Thieves and Vandals Away from Holiday Decorations!

Call them Scrooge or the Grinch or just call them what they are – criminals. While it may just feel like horseplay or mischief to them, stealing or vandalizing holiday decorations is a crime.  According to a study by an insurance provider, 22.6 million Americans have had their holiday decorations stolen or vandalized. Sometimes these...

UPS - FedEx trucks delivering packages, packages

Protecting your Packages from Theft

It’s frustrating when you order a product but never receive it. Especially when you check the tracking, and discover the status says “delivered.” This often means that your packages were stolen from your porch. Unfortunately, incidents such as this are all too common, especially around the holidays. An estimated 25.9 million Americans have had packages stolen. But...

Are your Kids Safe Home Alone?

While a family leaving on a European vacation without one of their children only happens in the movies, there are still considerations when it comes to leaving children home alone. Some children will be ready for the independence earlier than others. Some may never be comfortable with it.  But whatever you decide is best for...

Back to School Safety

Now that school is back in session, routines are set and kids know the plan for getting to and from school. Keeping kids safe on their way to and from school is a top priority. Here are a few tips to make their journey safer. Riding the Bus According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,...

Monitor Proactively with Environmental Sensors

Most people are aware of the common types of environmental sensors like smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.  These register the presence of either smoke or CO. They then alert you so you can take action to stay safe.  But did you know there are other environmental sensors you can have as well?  And that...

Home Security Frequently Asked Questions

Looking to add or upgrade a home security system but not sure what you really need or how it all works?  These frequently asked questions can help you prepare. Here are some of the things you need to know to get started. Will a Pet Trip My Alarm System? Motion sensors can serve as a...

Know When to Change your Locks

Door locks are your first line of defense against burglary and home invasion. It’s estimated that 30% of burglars enter through an unlocked door or window. Many of us leave doors unlocked if someone is home or if you are just running out quickly. But these statistics show that is a bad idea. In addition...

Signs It's Time to Upgrade

Signs it is Time to Upgrade your Security System

Do you feel confident your home security system is protecting your home and family around the clock? Are you sure your current system has the latest features and upgrades to stop more savvy burglars? Having a security system is one of the best ways to protect your home from burglary. Studies show that homes with...

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