Back to School Safety

Now that school is back in session, routines are set and kids know the plan for getting to and from school. Keeping kids safe on their way to and from school is a top priority.

Here are a few tips to make their journey safer.

Riding the Bus

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there’s no safer way to transport children to and from school than a school bus. However, that doesn’t mean getting to and from the bus stop is risk-free. Implement these strategies to stay safe.

  • Have your child walk to the bus stop with a friend or group. A stranger is less likely to approach a group of children than a child waiting alone.
  • Create a walking plan with your child. This plan should be a direct route to and from the bus stop that has good visibility, few hazards and no dangerous intersections.
  • Teach your child never to talk to strangers and not to go with a stranger. If someone is trying to grab them, they should yell loudly to draw the attention of others.
  • Identify in advance with your child “safe” places they can go if they feel threatened or if someone follows them. This place may be neighbors’ homes or a local business. Make sure they know important phone numbers by heart.

Coming Home After School

Many older kids come home after school to an empty house. There are several ways to ensure they get in the house safely and stay safe while they are there.

  • Make entry easier for your child with a keyless lock on at least one door. These locks rely on entering a code to open the door. When integrated with your security system, they also allow your child (or even you) to unlock from an app on their phone.
  • Set up alerts on your phone through your security system app to notify you when your child has unlocked the door and turned off the alarm.
  • Answer the door from anywhere using an app on your phone with a video doorbell. It can be triggered by motion or the ringing of the doorbell. It will alert you to your child’s arrival home, and you can also see and speak directly to anyone coming to the door when you are not there. This tip keeps strangers from thinking your child is home alone.

Let us ensure your family is safe and secure! Contact us a 281-506-8466 or visit us online!

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Back to School Safety
Now that kids are back in school, it is important to ensure they are safe on their journey and when they arrive home. Check out these back to school safety tips.

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