Fifteen Techie Gadgets you Need Today

Birthday, anniversary, or any other gift giving occasion – searching for that perfect gift is always a challenge. For the techie in your life, the latest gadget is always a terrific option. Better yet if that gadget is focused on safety and security – kill two birds with one stone! Give the gift they want...

Do you have Security System Gaps?

Surprisingly, studies have shown that only 25-30% of homes in the US have a security system in place. Many homeowners have older alarms, are not monitored or have just added cameras in key areas. Even those who have a more comprehensive system may still have security system gaps they are not even aware of.  With...

Stopping Porch Pirates in their Tracks

So many things are different in 2020. One thing that sadly does not to seem to have changed is the porch pirates stealing packages! With online holiday shopping expected to be reach new highs this year (Digital Commerce 360), there will be even more opportunities for these thieves to grab delivered packages right off the...

Say Goodbye to the Hidden Key

Few of us still believe we live in a world where doors remain unlocked and bicycles can be safely propped against a tree in the front yard. With increased crimes of opportunity, we must be more diligent than ever. This includes moving away from the age old tradition of a hidden key somewhere on your...

Remove Temptation - shut down crimes of opportunity

Removing Temptation – Shutting Down Crimes of Opportunity

Recent online posts reveal people waking in the morning to discover thieves have rifled through their cars during the night and taken items. Not surprisingly, replies indicate others on the same street or nearby experienced the same thing on the same night! The common thread almost every time is that the car doors were left...

10 Ways to Secure your Home while you are on Vacation

Ahhh….summer vacation. Time to unplug, relax, unwind and have some fun with friends or loved ones. The summer months see the highest number of burglaries, often due to people being away. So, while you’re scrambling to find sunscreen and other vacation necessities, don’t forget to secure your home while you’re away. 1. Stop Mail and Newspapers...

Keep Thieves and Vandals Away from Holiday Decorations!

Call them Scrooge or the Grinch or just call them what they are – criminals. While it may just feel like horseplay or mischief to them, stealing or vandalizing holiday decorations is a crime.  According to a study by an insurance provider, 22.6 million Americans have had their holiday decorations stolen or vandalized. Sometimes these...

UPS - FedEx trucks delivering packages, packages

Protecting your Packages from Theft

It’s frustrating when you order a product but never receive it. Especially when you check the tracking, and discover the status says “delivered.” This often means that your packages were stolen from your porch. Unfortunately, incidents such as this are all too common, especially around the holidays. An estimated 25.9 million Americans have had packages stolen. But...

Are your Kids Safe Home Alone?

While a family leaving on a European vacation without one of their children only happens in the movies, there are still considerations when it comes to leaving children home alone. Some children will be ready for the independence earlier than others. Some may never be comfortable with it.  But whatever you decide is best for...

Back to School Safety

Now that school is back in session, routines are set and kids know the plan for getting to and from school. Keeping kids safe on their way to and from school is a top priority. Here are a few tips to make their journey safer. Riding the Bus According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,...

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