National Window Safety Week

National Window Safety Week

National Window Safety Week is coming up the first week of April. The National Safety Council (NSC) designates this as a time to build awareness about the safety issues with windows.

Making Windows Safe for Kids

Windows are mostly a hazard for young children that don’t understand the risk of falling out of one. More than 3,300 kids are treated in US emergency rooms each year due to window falls. To be on the safe side, keep all windows locked and baby-proofed at all times. Likewise, you should keep furniture away from windows if possible, and start teaching kids early about not opening windows without an adult.

If you must have windows open for ventilation, make sure to use some sort of mechanism to prevent kids from getting through the window. You shouldn’t rely on window screens, which can’t hold a child’s weight. Window bars or window stoppers that allow a window to only open a few inches keep kids safer from open windows.

Using Windows in Your Fire Safety Plan

National Window Safety Week is the perfect time to reinforce how to use windows as an emergency escape. Accordingly, families can teach children how to access an emergency exit window in case of a fire. For multi-story homes, have a fire ladder accessible on the upper floors so family members can get down that way if needed. Make sure children know they are never to use these unless there is an emergency.

Additionally, check your home to be sure there are clear paths to all doors and windows. In the event of a fire, seconds count. Make sure all windows can be opened and fix any problems that cause them to stick. Furthermore, you should practice using the emergency release devices on any security bars or window stoppers.

Protecting Windows from Intruders

Windows can be a vulnerable entry point for intruders to access your property. Burglars can slip right in some open windows or just break the glass if they are extra bold. Alarm sensors should be installed on all first floor windows and on any windows on the second floor that can be easily accessed. If you are home, you’ll want to know if someone has entered the building. And if you’re away, your system can notify authorities and warn intruders that they have tripped the alarm. Glassbreak detectors can be used on fixed windows that do not open. The sound and impact of glass breaking triggers these special sensors.

Cultris Security can help with your comprehensive security and fire alarm system. Give us a call at 281-506-8466 or contact us online.


Image by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on

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