National Pet Fire Safety Day

National Pet Fire Safety Day

We often talk about fire safety plans, including fire alarm systems and prevention ideas. July 15, 2023 is specifically dedicated to our furry friends as National Pet Fire Safety Day. Taking a few simple precautions and having a well-prepared plan can significantly increase the chances of your pets escaping safely in the event of a fire.

Prevent a Fire

  1. Minimize Open Flames: Unattended candles, fireplaces and stovetops are common causes of accidental fires. Keep flammable items away from heat sources and make sure to store flammable liquids safely in designated areas and properly labeled.
  2. Secure Home Wiring and Appliances: Loose or damaged wires can be hazardous, as they can spark and ignite a fire. Regularly inspect and secure all electrical wiring, keeping it out of reach from pets and children. Avoid overloading outlets and use surge protectors to prevent electrical malfunctions. Inspect and maintain your heating systems, including furnaces, chimneys, and space heaters, on a regular basis. 
  3. Use Smoke Alarms and Fire Extinguishers: Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and test them regularly to ensure they are functioning correctly. Place fire extinguishers in easily accessible areas, such as the kitchen and garage, and teach family members how to operate them.
  4. Outdoor Safety: Pay attention to fire hazards outdoors as well. Clear dry leaves, brush, and debris from around your property. Keep grills and fire pits away from structures, trees, and flammable materials. Always extinguish outdoor fires properly before leaving them unattended.

Prepare For a Fire

  1. Create an Emergency Plan: Involve your entire family in developing an emergency plan that includes your pets. Assign roles and responsibilities, such as designating who will retrieve your pet and who will gather essential supplies.
  2. Practice the Plan: Regularly practice the emergency plan with your family, ensuring everyone knows their tasks. Familiarize yourself with your pet’s hiding spots to quickly locate and retrieve them during an emergency.
  3. Use Pet Decals and Collar Information: Place a decal or sticker in your home’s front window indicating the number and type of pets you have. This reduces the time firefighters spend searching for your pet. Ensure your pet’s collar and microchip have up-to-date contact information.

Take Action During a Fire

  1. Grab Your Pet and Their Essentials: As part of your emergency response plan, secure your pet’s leash or carrier when evacuating. Keep your pet close by and secure, as they may become frightened and try to escape to a safer area.
  2. Prioritize Safety: If it takes too long to locate or secure your pets, prioritize your own safety and evacuate immediately. Open doors and call for your pets from a safe distance. Never endanger yourself or your family by delaying escape to rescue your pets.
  3. Inform Responders: Once outside, inform the responders that your pet is still inside the building. Provide them with any relevant information to aid in the search and rescue efforts.

Remember, preparedness and quick action are key to safeguarding the well-being of your pets in the event of a fire.

Let Cultris Security help with a custom fire alarm system and monitoring service. Contact us online or at 281-506-8466.



Image by Helena Lopes on

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