securing pet doors

New Pet? Here Are 6 Ways to Secure Pet Doors

Pet doors are convenient for letting cats and dogs come and go as they please into your home, but they do come with risks if they are unsecured.

Just recently, a burglar in Salt Lake City entered a couple’s home through the doggie door while they were sleeping.

Once inside, he found the keys to the car and drove off in the homeowner’s vehicle.

Here are six tips for securing a pet door.

1. Install a Security System

If you’re concerned about the safety of your home, install a security system that will alert you to suspicious activity.

The presence of a security system alone discourages burglars and increases the likelihood they will move on to greener pastures.

2. Install the Door to Your Wall

Doors can be kicked in, but a wall requires more force like a sledgehammer.

Also, pet doors installed on doors may allow an intruder to reach through and unlock your door. This situation is what happened in the Salt Lake City burglary.

You can also install a security barrier that puts a barrier between your home and the outside. The barrier resembles a dog house from the outside and allows your pets to enter, but humans will not fit.

3. Purchase a Door with Access Control

Purchase a pet door with access control features that limit entry to your pets.

Some doors use infrared technology, RFID chips, magnets and other methods connected to your pet’s collar that will only allow them to enter and exit through the door.

This type will also help prevent other intruders such as wild animals from getting into your home.

4. Secure Your Backyard

Burglars often enter a home through the backyard because it is hidden from view. Secure your backyard like you would your home.

You can accomplish this with a fence and a locked gate with an alarm. You may want to install motion sensors in your yard that will alert you to activity.

5. Buy the Correct Size

Make sure you choose the right size pet door.

Some doors are much larger than they need to be for a pet to enter and exit comfortably, potentially allowing enough room for a human to enter or reach through.

6. Use Door Reinforcements

Use door reinforcements to improve your pet door’s security.

One example is the Watchdog Steel Security Pet Door Cover, a thick steel frame with a combination lock that you can install on the exterior door or wall where you want to locate the pet door.

Simply close the door and lock it when you are away. If you install your pet door to your door, the steel exterior will make it harder for someone to kick in your door.

Save Time and Money

You can save valuable time and money by having professionals install your security system.

Let us ensure your home is safe and secure! Contact us a 281-506-8466 or visit us online!

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Article Name
New Pet? Here Are 6 Ways to Secure Pet Doors
Pet doors are convenient for letting cats and dogs come and go as they please into your home, but they do come with risks if they are unsecured.

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