avoid heat-related illnesses

Avoid Heat-Related Illnesses

Summer has just begun but the news is already full of headlines about “heat domes” and record-breaking high temperatures. With these soaring temperatures, it’s crucial to take steps to avoid heat-related illnesses. Conditions like heat exhaustion and heatstroke can be dangerous, but with the right precautions, they are entirely preventable. Understanding Heat-Related Illnesses Heat Exhaustion:...

ready for pool season

Is Your Community Ready for Pool Season?

Even though the calendar shows it will be springtime for the next few months, the temperature will soon make us feel like it is summer already! With the hot weather comes the opening of pool season. There are many requirements for pool safety, including the need to have a public pool enclosed in a protected...

Falls Prevention Awareness Week

Falls Prevention Awareness Week

Falls are the primary contributor to injury-related deaths for older Americans, which is why Falls Prevention Awareness Week is so important. Apart from the physical and financial toll of rehabilitation and the pain endured from a fall, the fear of falling can also significantly diminish quality of life. Fear may cause someone to restrict activities...

labor day plans

Labor Day Plans? Follow these Safety Tips

For most of us the Labor Day holiday is a time for relaxation and enjoying the last bit of summer. If you have fun Labor Day plans, follow these safety tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday.   Water Safety: If you’re going to be near water, ensure that everyone knows how to swim....

get ready for some football

Get Ready for Some Football!

Some say this is the “most wonderful time of the year” in Texas. No, not back-to-school time, but the beginning of high school football season! We look forward to hearing the crash of football pads, the roar of the crowd and the band playing the school fight song. And in Texas high school stadiums can...

safety tips for online dorm shopping

Safety Tips for Online Dorm Shopping

My social media feed is filling up with pictures of kids moving into fully decked-out dorm rooms. I know my friends have been shopping online and organizing for months to make sure their kids are set up for a successful first year of college. Here are some safety tips for online dorm shopping to avoid...

National Electrical Safety Month

It’s National Electrical Safety Month

It’s National Electrical Safety Month according to the Electrical Safety Foundation International. Each year in May, the ESFI campaigns to remind us of electrical safety issues at home and at work. Here are some of the key points to remember about electrical safety awareness: Make sure to turn off the power source before working with...

security measures at work

Security Measures at Work

With so many people in one place, a workplace can be an easy target for thieves, vandals and other criminals. Taking a few security measures can increase safety for everyone and deter criminal activity. Common Sense Precautions If you know a majority of people at your company or in your building, you may not take...

human trafficking prevention

Human Trafficking Prevention

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Not a topic most of us want to think about, but it is an important one to be aware of. The established “national month” for this topic is a good time to educate yourself and learn what you can do to help prevent it and protect your family....

Stay Safe on New Year's Eve

Stay Safe on New Year’s Eve!

New Year’s Eve parties are a fun way to wrap up the holiday season and ring in the new year. The various ways we celebrate can create safety issues, so keep in mind the following tips to stay safe on New Year’s Eve. Fireworks Safety Playing with fire can create dangerous situations. Always keep in mind...

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