Summer Vacation Security

Summer Vacation Security

Though summer is when we can unplug, relax, unwind and have some fun, the summer months also see the highest number of home burglaries. Make sure to think about summer vacation security when making plans to be away. Stop Deliveries Many of us no longer receive a newspaper but if you do, pause the service for...

security measures at work

Security Measures at Work

With so many people in one place, a workplace can be an easy target for thieves, vandals and other criminals. Taking a few security measures can increase safety for everyone and deter criminal activity. Common Sense Precautions If you know a majority of people at your company or in your building, you may not take...

protect those packages

Protect Those Packages!

Every year as holiday shopping and gift-buying kick into gear, there are stories of packages being stolen from someone’s porch. “Porch Pirates are at it again!” We’ve written about it in prior blog posts and have a few new ideas to help you protect those packages. Some of the ways we’ve mentioned include specifying a...

businesses lose billions to theft

Businesses Lose Billions to Theft

Each year, businesses lose billions to theft.  According to the FBI’s 2019 Crime Report, over 415,000 non-residence locations suffered a burglary that year. There are simple steps you can follow to help protect your business from burglary. Deposit Cash and Checks If your business accepts payments of cash or checks, make deposits regularly. Burglars often...

home security after a storm

Home Security After a Storm

Continuing on the National Preparedness Month theme for September, we now turn to home security after a storm. The storm may have passed, but what if electricity or water service is out? How do you keep your home and family safe in these conditions? Secure Your Home If high winds damaged windows or doors, make...

market your property

Market Your Property as Safe & Secure

You have invested in a security system protecting the full perimeter of your house and are diligently arming it whenever you leave and at night. But how do you market your property as safe and secure to keep would-be criminals away? Catching someone in the act is better than nothing but deterring crime altogether is...

Video Monitoring for HOA Property

Video Monitoring of HOA Property

Protecting community assets and keeping neighborhoods safe are high priorities for most Homeowners Associations (HOAs). Accordingly, many neighborhoods install security cameras for video monitoring of HOA property. But how does a volunteer board manage the task of monitoring the hours of recorded footage? Who is actually watching the videos? It’s true that checking cameras after...

Keeping College Students Safe On Campus

Apps to Keep College Students Safe on Campus

You’d be hard-pressed these days to find a college student without a smartphone. Technology has become an invaluable tool for connecting folks with the resources they need. Specifically, apps are available to help college students stay safe on campus. Noonlight (formerly SafeTrek) Noonlight is great for students walking alone. If they feel uncomfortable, they just...

security cameras

Security Cameras Required for Some Houston Businesses

As part of a greater crime reduction effort, the City of Houston now requires security cameras posted outside certain businesses. With input from the Houston Police Department, the city legal department created an ordinance that focuses on the kinds of businesses that attract the most instances of violent crime and theft. These include convenience stores,...

theft on construction sites

Theft on Construction Sites

Construction industry leaders estimate they suffer $1 billion a year in losses due to theft. Unscrupulous employees or subcontractors may take tools or leftover materials. But, the bulk of these losses on construction sites comes from actual theft by a third-party. A 2015 study by the National Equipment Register found that Texas had the most...

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