Monitor Proactively with Environmental Sensors

Most people are aware of the common types of environmental sensors like smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.  These register the presence of either smoke or CO. They then alert you so you can take action to stay safe.  But did you know there are other environmental sensors you can have as well?  And that...

Home Security Frequently Asked Questions

Looking to add or upgrade a home security system but not sure what you really need or how it all works?  These frequently asked questions can help you prepare. Here are some of the things you need to know to get started. Will a Pet Trip My Alarm System? Motion sensors can serve as a...

Know When to Change your Locks

Door locks are your first line of defense against burglary and home invasion. It’s estimated that 30% of burglars enter through an unlocked door or window. Many of us leave doors unlocked if someone is home or if you are just running out quickly. But these statistics show that is a bad idea. In addition...

Signs It's Time to Upgrade

Signs it is Time to Upgrade your Security System

Do you feel confident your home security system is protecting your home and family around the clock? Are you sure your current system has the latest features and upgrades to stop more savvy burglars? Having a security system is one of the best ways to protect your home from burglary. Studies show that homes with...

Do Burglars Hit the Same Place More than Once?

Known as repeat victimization, there have been several studies in Great Britain on burglars hitting the same target more than once. One study, by Ian Hearnden and Christine Magill, interviewed incarcerated burglars and found that they do tend to go back to the scene of the crime. State the Facts Hearnden and Magill found from their...

Smart Speakers: What you Need to Know

Ok Google, Alexa, Hey Siri. These are phrases that can be used to interact with a smart speaker via Google, Amazon or Apple. And while these virtual assistants are great for playing music, setting a timer or asking a question, take extra precaution when using them in other ways. Home Automation A number of third...

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