What Makes Someone an Easy Target

You are waiting at the drive-through ATM behind a woman alone in her car. She finishes her transaction and pulls out. But instead of leaving the bank, she pulls up out of the way and sits in her car. Your first thought, “Is she lying in wait for me to finish my transaction and rob me?” You quickly do what you need to do and leave. But you think to yourself, “Why would she make herself an easy target by sitting alone in her car at the bank when she probably just pulled cash out of the machine?”

While crimes should never be blamed on the victim, criminals do look for opportunities that present an “easy target.” Banks (and especially ATMs) are a common place for criminals to look for their next victim.  People are often at the bank to deposit or withdraw cash. Environmental awareness and efficiency in accomplishing your goals at the bank are important to make yourself an undesirable target.

What Can you Do?

What are some other strategies for reducing the likelihood that you will be noticed as a potential target for criminals?

  • Get back to basics. Lock your doors at home and in the car. Avoid walking alone at night, even if it is just walking to your car from work or the store.  Don’t talk to strangers!
  • Avoid vulnerability. Like the woman at the bank, being alone and not paying attention to your surroundings are what criminals are looking for.  Don’t sit in your car in a parking lot or on the street. Be careful when loading bags into your car. Someone might come up behind you and attempt a carjacking or purse snatching.
  • Get off your device. Don’t walk around in public with your head down texting on your phone. This enables the bad guy to use the element of surprise since you are not paying attention.
  • Be confident. Hold your head high, swing your arms and walk with purpose. Make eye contact with people you pass and speak with authority. Criminals are looking for someone who won’t put up much of a fight. Make sure they know you will!
  • Don’t be flashy. Wearing expensive jewelry or a designer bag may draw unwanted attention, especially in certain areas. Be careful not to pull out a lot of cash when you are paying at the store. And always put away the white envelope with cash when you are leaving the bank after a withdrawal.
  • Have situational awareness. Notice the cars parked near you. Anything unusual about them? Look for people loitering that don’t seem to fit in or have a purpose.  Why would someone be at the grocery store but have no items and no basket? When you pull up to your house, determine if anything looks off before getting out of the car.
  • Trust your instincts.  If you are having a physical reaction like goosebumps or butterflies in the stomach, don’t discount them. If something doesn’t feel right, err on the side of caution and remove yourself from the situation.

Adding Security Measures

A visible security system, lighting and even video cameras at your home will likely deter a criminal from choosing it as a target for robbery or burglary. Parking your car in the garage or pulled all the way up in the driveway will also help keep opportunists away.

Many people are now also relying on personal safety devices that they can carry with them at all times. These may be a key fob, piece of jewelry or an app on your phone. They have GPS so your location can be tracked and you can communicate directly with contacts or emergency services. Some even have a camera so you can send a picture of a perpetrator or someone suspicious.

We Can Help

Cultris Security Systems can help you secure your home or business so you aren’t an easy target. Call us at 281-506-8466 or visit us online.

Article Name
What Makes Someone an Easy Target
Criminals are opportunists, looking for the easiest way to commit their crime and get away. They want an easy target so they can get what they want and go. Use these strategies to show you don't fit the bill as an easy target.

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