We Love American Heart Month!
Every year since 1964, each U.S. president has designated February as American Heart Month. We love American Heart Month because it helps remind us to keep heart health a priority! Even though we’re reminded each February, reviewing heart healthy lifestyle tips and knowing what to do in a heart-health emergency are great ways to keep you and your loved ones safe all year long!
Heart Smarts
Eating right and exercising are well-known keys to keeping your heart healthy as you age. Additionally, practicing good dental hygiene and getting enough sleep also contribute to long term heart health. You should obviously avoid smoking (and second-hand smoke) and sitting for too long at a time. Keeping an eye on your mental health by mitigating stress, feeling connected to friends and family, and prioritizing gratefulness are also great ways to lower blood pressure, which is key to a healthy cardiovascular system.
Symptoms Smarts
Even “healthy” people can have heart problems, so knowing what to do in those situations is vital. The first step is to recognize the signs of a heart emergency. It can be the classic chest pain that radiates to the left arm and jaw, but symptoms don’t always follow that scenario. Especially for women, an episode may include nausea, fatigue, dizziness and pain in the back or neck.
Emergency Smarts
Alerting emergency services is the next vital step for survival. If you are alone, try to call 911. For those who live alone or are prone to heart issues, having a personal medical alert system can mean the difference between life and death.
If you are helping someone that becomes unconscious, the next step after calling 911 is to start chest compressions to keep the blood flowing to the brain and other vital organs. This link has the basics, but taking a CPR class is a good idea for all adults. If an AED (automated external defibrillator) is available, continue compressions while someone else turns on the machine and begins to follow the instructions. Once EMS has arrived, allow them to take over.
Check out the American Heart Association website for more health tips and ways to be heart smart.
Cultris Security Systems can help put your mind at ease with medical alert systems for your or your loved ones. Give us a call at 281-506-8466 or contact us online.
Image by Hassan Ouajbir on pexels.com