Tips to get through Airport Security Faster

Temperatures feel like summer is already here. Kids will soon be out of school and vacation season will be upon us. There are many things to consider from a security standpoint during the summer:

As you make plans for your summer vacation, you want to reduce stress and increase relaxation! Airport security definitely doesn’t contribute to those goals. While we are all grateful that measures are in place to promote safe travel, the long lines, plastic bags and removal of shoes definitely slow things down.

Plan Ahead

There are a number of things you can do before your trip, when you are packing or as you get in line that will speed the process when you reach the security check.

  • Sign up for TSA Precheck. In advance of your travel, fill out the application, pay the fee and go for an in-person interview.  If all goes well, you get the Precheck status and can use a separate, shorter line at airport security. Children under 12 can go through the line with their parents without their own Precheck approval. The most recent data shows that 92% of Precheck customers waited less than 5 minutes in line at security.
  • Pick the right line.  Be thoughtful in deciding which security line you use. A line with many singles or business travelers will likely go quickly. Business travelers usually know the drill and will be quick and efficient in getting through. Lines with families, especially with younger children, will likely be slower as they try to corral everyone plus follow all the steps to get through the screening.
  • Keep your liquids close. If you are bringing liquids on board, have your plastic quart-sized bag with them inside in an outside pocket. That way you don’t have to open the whole suitcase to get them out and you don’t get flagged for leaving them in the bag to run through the machine.
  • Prepare your kids. Young children may be asked their name and age by security. If your child is shy or would have difficulty answering these questions from a stranger, talk to them ahead of time about it.
  • Wear the right shoes. Since you will be required to take off your shoes, wear some that you can get on and off easily. And don’t forget socks. You definitely don’t want to be walking around barefoot on those floors!
  • Dress for success. You will have to take off your jacket, belt and watch plus empty your pockets. Dress as simply as you can so you aren’t taking time to remove everything and then put it all back on when you get through.

When you are Up

  • Hang on to your paperwork and ID. Either hold your boarding pass and ID in your hand while you wait or have it in an easily accessible place. You don’t want to be fumbling through your wallet or digging through a bag searching. The people behind you will appreciate it as well!
  • Take your laptop out of the bag. Laptops and other large electronics have to be out of the bags and sent through the machine separately. Take yours out as you approach the conveyor and place in a plastic bin.
  • Grab those liquids. Remember the quart-sized bag you packed in an easily accessible spot? Grab it out now so it can be inspected outside of the suitcase.
  • Kids have different rules. Don’t worry about wrangling your small children to get their shoes off and on at security. Children under 12 don’t have to take off jackets or shoes. They also don’t have to go through the advanced imaging machine and typically one parent can go with them in the regular metal detector line. Infants and small children can be carried through the metal detector by a parent.
  • Consolidate your accessories. If you are wearing a jacket, put sunglasses, cell phone, watch and even your belt in the pocket of the jacket before placing it in the bin to go through the Xray. This will make it much easier to gather all of your items when they come out on the other side.

On the Other Side

Once you make it through, help your fellow passengers and grab your bins and bags and head to one of the seating areas. It slows things down and backs up the line if you try to put your shoes and jacket and belt back on standing at the conveyor belt. Congratulate yourself on a smooth security check and enjoy your trip!

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Tips to Get through Airport Security Faster
Summer vacations should be about fun and relaxation. Don't let the stress of getting yourself and your family through airport security undermine those goals!

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