National Safety Month

June Is National Safety Month

Preventable injuries are the 4th leading cause of death in the United States. These accidental injuries can happen anywhere, including at home, traveling in a car, at work and even in public spaces. National Safety Month is a great time to review ways to prevent accidents and increase safety for you and your loved ones.

Home Safety

  • Be aware of common household hazards and know about safety measures such as securing dangerous items, installing safety gates and using proper storage for chemicals.
  • Install and maintain smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • During National Safety Month, concentrate on fall prevention by removing tripping hazards, installing grab bars and handrails, improving lighting, and being physical active for strength and balance.

Car Safety

  • Increase your road safety habits, including obeying speed limits, using turn signals and following road signs and signals.
  • Make sure to avoid activities like texting, talking on the phone or eating while driving.
  • Wear your seatbelt, during National Safety Month and at all times!

Work Safety

  • Workplaces should have comprehensive safety protocols in place and provide proper training to employees. Routinely review and update safety measures to address potential hazards.
  • Regular maintenance and inspections should be conducted for machinery, tools and equipment to prevent accidents caused by malfunction or wear and tear.
  • Workstations should be ergonomically designed. Employees should be reminded about proper posture, lifting techniques and the importance of taking breaks.

Recreation and Sports Safety

  • Encourage the use of appropriate safety equipment such as helmets, goggles, knee and elbow pads and life jackets in recreational activities like sports, cycling and water sports.
  • Proper training and supervision in recreational activities is critical, particularly for children and individuals participating in high-risk sports.
  • Ensure the maintenance and safety of recreational facilities, including regular inspection of equipment, proper lighting and clear signage. National Safety Month is a great time to check for problems.

Public Space Safety

  • Stay alert and attentive to your environment, including potential hazards, uneven surfaces and other people’s actions.
  • Always use designated pedestrian walkways and crosswalks when crossing roads. Follow traffic signals and look both ways before crossing.
  • Pay attention to where you are walking to avoid tripping or slipping. Be cautious of obstacles, potholes, and uneven surfaces on sidewalks or in public spaces.
  • Choose footwear that provides proper support, comfort, and traction to prevent slips, falls and foot-related injuries. Be cautious of wet or slippery surfaces.
  • When using stairs, escalators or ramps, hold onto handrails for stability. Be cautious and maintain your balance.

Let’s all stay safe out there! Cultris Security is here for your fire, security, access control and video monitoring needs. Contact us online or by phone at 281-506-8466.


Image from National Safety Council.

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