drowsy driving prevention

Drowsy Driving Prevention Week

The National Sleep Foundation‘s Drowsy Driving Prevention Week is November 5-11, 2023.  This campaign reminds us to “Sleep First. Drive Alert.” Just like drunk or distracted driving, drowsy driving is a real public health issue.

Sleepiness can lead to delayed reaction times, diminished awareness and impaired judgement. Falling asleep at the wheel is preventable! Whether you’re embarking on a short trip to the grocery store or heading on a longer journey, here are some essential steps you can take before hitting the road:

Prioritize Sleep

Get the recommended amount of sleep the night before your trip. While the ideal number of hours may vary from person to person, the National Sleep Foundation suggests 7-9 hours of sleep for adults and 8-10 hours for teenagers.

Don’t Drive Alone

Consider planning your long trips with a companion. Having a passenger not only provides company but can also assist in recognizing early signs of driver fatigue. They would be able to take over driving if necessary. A reliable driving companion engages in conversation to keep you alert and attentive.

Schedule Stops

Schedule regular stops for your trip, aiming for breaks every 100 miles or two hours. Plan ahead by identifying rest stops or points of interest along your route. Taking regular breaks allows you to step away from the wheel, rest or stretch. All of this promotes better blood circulation.

Stay Sober

Refrain from alcohol and be mindful of any medications, both over-the-counter and prescribed, that might induce drowsiness. Alcohol can exacerbate the effects of fatigue, amplifying its impact. This is a lot like drinking on an empty stomach.

Get Checked Out

If you frequently experience daytime sleepiness or struggle to stay awake while driving, consider talking to your physician or a local sleep disorders center. They can help diagnose any potential sleep disorders and provide necessary treatment.

By following these simple steps, we can all work towards minimizing the risks associated with drowsy driving and ensure a safer road experience for everyone.

Let’s all be safe out there! Check out our other Cultris Security blog posts for more hints on safety and security. Contact us online or by phone at 281-506-8466.


Image by Jackson David on pexels.com

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