tips for safe summer vacationing

Essential Tips for Safe Summer Vacationing

It’s the middle of May and summer vacation is just around the corner. Summer is the perfect time to unwind and explore new destinations, but ensuring a safe and enjoyable vacation requires some planning and awareness. Here are some essential tips for safe summer vacationing: Research Your Destination: Before you embark on your journey, take...

holiday travel safety

Holiday Travel Safety

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration and creating lasting memories with loved ones. Whether you’re embarking on a winter getaway or visiting family and friends, prioritizing travel and hotel safety is crucial for a stress-free and enjoyable holiday experience. Here are some holiday travel safety tips to ensure a safe and secure...

15 Security Related Gifts for the Techie in your Life

As the holidays approach, searching for that perfect gift is always a challenge. For the techie in your life, the latest gadget is always a terrific option. Better yet if that gadget is focused on safety and security – kill two birds with one stone! Get a head start on your holiday shopping with these...

drowsy driving prevention

Drowsy Driving Prevention Week

The National Sleep Foundation‘s Drowsy Driving Prevention Week is November 5-11, 2023.  This campaign reminds us to “Sleep First. Drive Alert.” Just like drunk or distracted driving, drowsy driving is a real public health issue. Sleepiness can lead to delayed reaction times, diminished awareness and impaired judgement. Falling asleep at the wheel is preventable! Whether you’re embarking...

Summer Camp Safety

Summer Camp Safety

Kids of all ages enjoy the change of pace that comes with summer camp. Whether it is day camp or sleepaway camp, there are fun options for everyone. Parents need to feel confident when sending their children off to camp for the day or for the month! All camps should have a summer camp safety...

do i need a dash cam

Do I Need a Dash Cam?

A dash cam is a small camera attached to your vehicle’s dashboard or windshield. It continuously records video footage while you drive, providing you with a record of your journey. Recently, these devices have become more popular, leading many to wonder, “Do I need a dash cam?” Here are a few reasons you might want...

Summer Vacation Security

Summer Vacation Security

Though summer is when we can unplug, relax, unwind and have some fun, the summer months also see the highest number of home burglaries. Make sure to think about summer vacation security when making plans to be away. Stop Deliveries Many of us no longer receive a newspaper but if you do, pause the service for...

Pay Attention on the Road

Pay Attention on the Road!

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month which is a great reminder that all drivers need to pay attention on the road. Drivers have always had distractions like the radio, passengers or that new billboard with the funny joke. However, since the advent of mobile phones, especially smart phones, the number of accidents involving distracted drivers...

Safe Holiday Travels

Safe Holiday Travels

Whether you’re traveling by car or plane, a bit of planning can help with safe holiday travels this winter. Our part of the country doesn’t normally get snow or ice, but it CAN happen. It’s also best to be prepared for winter travel if you’re driving to or through an area that can have wintry...

We’ll Leave the Light on for you – Hotel Safety

Are you going on vacation? Or, perhaps, traveling for business? If so, you may be making a hotel room your “home away from home.” Hotel safety should be an important consideration. While it may lack the comforts of home, a hotel shouldn’t lack the security. Keep these safety tips in mind the next time you...

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