holiday headaches for businesses

Holiday Headaches for Businesses

The holidays can be a stressful time for many individuals, and they can cause headaches for many businesses too. Read on for some solutions to these annual problems that can really take the joy out of the season. Increase in Thefts The number of thefts increase by 20% during the run-up to the holidays in...

Have a Happy (and Safe!) Halloween

How to Have a Happy (and Safe!) Halloween

Halloween is a highlight of the year for kids – candy, parties, costumes and staying out late – of course it is! Parents may worry about hidden safety hazards, so here is information on how to have a happy and safe Halloween. For Parents and Tricker-or-Treaters When out trick-or-treating, make sure everyone has a buddy...

Employee Safety After Dark!

As the dreaded weekend approaches when Daylight Savings ends, the days are already seeming shorter. Once we officially “fall back,” it will be dark before most people even leave the office. What can a business owner do to help with employee safety after dark? We’ll Leave the Light on for You Be sure that employees...

Debunking Halloween Myths

Debunking Halloween Myths

Urban legends and “scary” stories about Halloween have been around for years. We’re debunking these Halloween myths and other scary urban legends that circulate in the news. Rainbow Fentanyl The US Drug Enforcement Agency recently announced that Mexican drug cartels were targeting children by distributing “rainbow fentanyl” pills that resemble candy. They urged parents and...

business theft

Businesses Lose Billions to Theft

Each year, business owners lose billions of dollars to theft.  According to the FBI’s 2019 Crime Report, over 415,000 non-residence locations suffered a burglary that year. There are simple steps you can follow to help protect your business from burglary. Deposit Cash and Checks If your business accepts payments of cash or checks, make deposits...

see something, say something

See Something, Say Something Awareness

See Something, Say Something Awareness Day is September 25 this year. Created by the US Department of Homeland Security, the #SeeSayDay Campaign reminds all of us to keep an eye out for suspicious activity and to report it to law enforcement. Originally launched to determine and report terrorist-type activity, the idea behind it can also...

home security after a storm

Home Security After a Storm

Continuing on the National Preparedness Month theme for September, we now turn to home security after a storm. The storm may have passed, but what if electricity or water service is out? How do you keep your home and family safe in these conditions? Secure Your Home If high winds damaged windows or doors, make...

Market Your Property as Safe & Secure

You have invested in a security system protecting the full perimeter of your house and are diligently arming it whenever you leave and at night. But how do you market your property as safe and secure to keep would-be criminals away? Catching someone in the act is better than nothing but deterring crime altogether is...

September is National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness month in the US, which was created almost twenty years ago to raise awareness of the need to prepare for natural and other disasters and emergencies. There are now hundreds of national, regional and local governments, as well as private and public health institutions that support emergency preparedness efforts, including FEMA,...

Technology for Tracking Kids

Technology Options For Tracking Kids

It’s easy these days to track teenagers through their smartphones using various parent apps or the Apple “Find My Phone” feature. Knowing where their kids are can be a huge relief for many parents. But what about children that are too young for smartphones? These “tweens” and preteens may be old enough to roam around...

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