Keeping your Home Safe during a Power Outage

You are just about to sit down to dinner when a loud thunderclap shatters the quiet evening, soon followed by torrential rain. The lights flicker a few times, then everything goes dark. A Long, Dark Night You are in for a long, dark night. The power ends up being off for the next 18 hours since...

Should I Monitor my Alarm?

As more homeowners and business owners add video cameras to enhance their security systems, the question of alarm monitoring comes up. There is a mistaken perception by some that because they can view the premises when they are away, there is no longer the need to monitor the alarm. There are several reasons why alarm...

Home Security Frequently Asked Questions

Looking to add or upgrade a home security system but not sure what you really need or how it all works?  These frequently asked questions can help you prepare. Here are some of the things you need to know to get started. Will a Pet Trip My Alarm System? Motion sensors can serve as a...

What Makes Someone an Easy Target

You are waiting at the drive-through ATM behind a woman alone in her car. She finishes her transaction and pulls out. But instead of leaving the bank, she pulls up out of the way and sits in her car. Your first thought, “Is she lying in wait for me to finish my transaction and rob...

Setting Home Security Rules for Family and Guests

Do you have children or do house guests visit on occasion? What about extended family who often stay with you? If so, do they all know the basic home security rules to keep you safe from burglars and criminals? For example: Do your children know what information shouldn’t be shared with friends? Do your house...

Know When to Change your Locks

Door locks are your first line of defense against burglary and home invasion. It’s estimated that 30% of burglars enter through an unlocked door or window. Many of us leave doors unlocked if someone is home or if you are just running out quickly. But these statistics show that is a bad idea. In addition...

Five Tips to Protect your Business from Burglary

Business owners across all industries should be aware of the risk of burglary at their commercial property. Each year, business owners lose billions of dollars to theft.  According to the FBI’s 2016 Crime Report, over 410,000 non-residence locations suffered a burglary that year. There are simple steps you can follow to help protect your business...

Do you Have a Home Invasion Defense Plan?

While most families have fire evacuation plans in the event of a house fire, many overlook the importance of a home invasion defense plan. They either assume that they won’t be targeted, or that the police will arrive within a reasonable amount of time. But as the saying goes, hope for the best but prepare...

Protecting your Place of Worship

In an ideal world, criminals would have the respect to know certain places were totally off limits. Surely no one would be malicious or desperate enough to burglarize or vandalize a place of worship. Sadly, this isn’t the case. Burglars will break in anywhere they believe there are items of value. Why Religious Facilities Are...

Do Burglars Hit the Same Place More than Once?

Known as repeat victimization, there have been several studies in Great Britain on burglars hitting the same target more than once. One study, by Ian Hearnden and Christine Magill, interviewed incarcerated burglars and found that they do tend to go back to the scene of the crime. State the Facts Hearnden and Magill found from their...

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