Summer Vacation Security

Summer Vacation Security

Though summer is when we can unplug, relax, unwind and have some fun, the summer months also see the highest number of home burglaries. Make sure to think about summer vacation security when making plans to be away. Stop Deliveries Many of us no longer receive a newspaper but if you do, pause the service for...

protecting elderly from scams

Protecting the Elderly from Scams

Scammers go after anyone and everyone, but when the victim is over the age of 70, there’s a higher chance the deception will work. The amount of money lost to fraud also increases with the age of the person being targeted. What can we do to protect our elderly friends and loved ones from scams?...

safer online dating

Safer Online Dating

Love is in the air during this week of Valentine’s Day! And finding love online is more common than ever with so many dating sites available. However, recent headlines of violent encounters and “romance scams” remind us to be wary of strangers even if they seem amazing in their profiles. This is a good time...

security measures at work

Security Measures at Work

With so many people in one place, a workplace can be an easy target for thieves, vandals and other criminals. Taking a few security measures can increase safety for everyone and deter criminal activity. Common Sense Precautions If you know a majority of people at your company or in your building, you may not take...

human trafficking prevention

Human Trafficking Prevention

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Not a topic most of us want to think about, but it is an important one to be aware of. The established “national month” for this topic is a good time to educate yourself and learn what you can do to help prevent it and protect your family....

protect those packages

Protect Those Packages!

Every year as holiday shopping and gift-buying kick into gear, there are stories of packages being stolen from someone’s porch. “Porch Pirates are at it again!” We’ve written about it in prior blog posts and have a few new ideas to help you protect those packages. Some of the ways we’ve mentioned include specifying a...

Holiday Shopping Smarts

Holiday Shopping Smarts

Many of us go shopping more during the holidays than at other times of year. Finding that perfect gift for family members and friends can send us chasing that next sale across town. Combine that with an increase in robberies and thefts during the same time frame means we all need to use our Holiday...

holiday headaches for businesses

Holiday Headaches for Businesses

The holidays can be a stressful time for many individuals, and they can cause headaches for many businesses too. Read on for some solutions to these annual problems that can really take the joy out of the season. Increase in Thefts The number of thefts increase by 20% during the run-up to the holidays in...

Employee Safety After Dark!

As the dreaded weekend approaches when Daylight Savings ends, the days are already seeming shorter. Once we officially “fall back,” it will be dark before most people even leave the office. What can a business owner do to help with employee safety after dark? We’ll Leave the Light on for You Be sure that employees...

Debunking Halloween Myths

Debunking Halloween Myths

Urban legends and “scary” stories about Halloween have been around for years. We’re debunking these Halloween myths and other scary urban legends that circulate in the news. Rainbow Fentanyl The US Drug Enforcement Agency recently announced that Mexican drug cartels were targeting children by distributing “rainbow fentanyl” pills that resemble candy. They urged parents and...

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