When your Child Gets Lost

All parents have likely experienced it at least once. You are somewhere big and crowded and your child gets lost. One minute your child is right there with you while you dig through the clearance rack. The next minute, he or she is nowhere to be found. In almost every one of these cases, the...

How to Test your Security System

Did you know you are supposed to test your security system on a regular basis? The system or the monitoring company will typically alert you to any issues apparent on the system. However, the best practice is to test it yourself as well. There could be other factors unrelated to the alarm itself that you...

Is Purse Snatching Still a Thing?

Movies and television shows often depict people being mugged on the street. The thief snatches a woman’s purse  or holds up a man for his watch and wallet. It is easy to dismiss these stories as “Hollywood.” But is purse snatching something to be concerned about? According the the FBI’s 2015 Crime Report, there were...

Do you Have a Home Invasion Defense Plan?

While most families have fire evacuation plans in the event of a house fire, many overlook the importance of a home invasion defense plan. They either assume that they won’t be targeted, or that the police will arrive within a reasonable amount of time. But as the saying goes, hope for the best but prepare...

Steering Clear of Road Rage

How often does a scene like this play out? It’s a busy freeway and someone is trying to get over a lane. The person next to them doesn’t let them in, either because they don’t realize or they don’t want to. The guy trying to get over gets frustrated and agitated. He then gets behind...

Protecting your Place of Worship

In an ideal world, criminals would have the respect to know certain places were totally off limits. Surely no one would be malicious or desperate enough to burglarize or vandalize a place of worship. Sadly, this isn’t the case. Burglars will break in anywhere they believe there are items of value. Why Religious Facilities Are...

Signs It's Time to Upgrade

Signs it is Time to Upgrade your Security System

Do you feel confident your home security system is protecting your home and family around the clock? Are you sure your current system has the latest features and upgrades to stop more savvy burglars? Having a security system is one of the best ways to protect your home from burglary. Studies show that homes with...

Staying Safe at the Gas Station

Earlier this year in southwest Houston, two men killed a woman while she waited in the car at a gas station. Her family members had gone inside the store while she waited with the car. The would-be carjackers approached the car, opened the doors and then shot and killed her.  They then took off on...

Are Smoke Detectors Enough?

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, every year in the United States, approximately 3,000 people die due to residential fires. In about two-thirds of deaths in home fires, there are no smoke detectors in the home, or the ones they have don’t work. The bottom line is – be sure you have working smoke...

Do Burglars Hit the Same Place More than Once?

Known as repeat victimization, there have been several studies in Great Britain on burglars hitting the same target more than once. One study, by Ian Hearnden and Christine Magill, interviewed incarcerated burglars and found that they do tend to go back to the scene of the crime. State the Facts Hearnden and Magill found from their...

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