Suspicious Activity and What to do About it

An unknown car is seen driving through the neighborhood, going up and down streets slowly, with no apparent destination. Someone comes to the door in the early evening selling something or taking a survey. He is not in uniform and has no vehicle nearby.  You are waiting in line to order a drink and the person behind is standing too close and even touches you. When you sit down, she sits at the table next to you. What do all of these situations have in common?  They all describe what could be construed as suspicious activity.

How do you know whether something is just weird or if you need to worry or take action? Consider these tips for deciding if it’s suspicious or not.

Identifying Suspicious Activity

  • Be alert. Be aware of what is normal behavior so you can identify when something is “off.” Know the cars normally on your street and the hours of local businesses.
  • Trust your Instincts. Your mind and body are trained to notify you when something is not as it should be.  Pay attention to physical reactions (goosebumps, heart rate) and an unexpected emotional response.
  • Strange Noises. If you hear an unusual sound like glass breaking, loud popping or screaming, don’t just ignore these. These could indicate a crime in process or another emergency.
  • Look for Contradictions. If you see a teen boy riding a girls’ bicycle or a “jogger” who isn’t dressed for exercise, make note of it.
  • Over Interest. If an unknown car returns to your street several times without visiting any of the homes, get their license plate and report it.  Also make note of anyone taking pictures or taking notes for no apparent reason.

What to do if you Suspect Someone

  • Be Safe. Don’t take matters into your own hands. If there is a risk that someone is a criminal, you do not want to put yourself in danger.  Call the police and report what you have seen,
  • Better Safe than Sorry. If you see genuinely suspicious behavior, notify the authorities. You don’t want to falsely accuse someone who is doing nothing wrong. However, if they are engaged in this questionable behavior, they need to be questioned about their intentions.
  • Notify neighbors. Be sure you let your neighbors, homeowners association or neighborhood watch know what you have seen or reported to the police. Neighbors can be warned against answering their door or can be on the lookout for the suspicious car.
  • Save video footage. If the activity happened near your home and you have video cameras, save the footage so it can be used if needed.

We Can Help

A monitored alarm and video camera system can help you feel more secure when there is suspicious activity nearby. Cultris Security Systems has been helping homeowners and business owners secure their premises for 13 years. Call us at 281-506-8466 or reach out online.

Article Name
Suspicious Activity and What to do About it
It is important to be aware of your surroundings so you can make note of any suspicious activity that may lead to crime, If you notice suspicious behavior, be sure to call the authorities to investigate.

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