How much Freedom to Give Kids this Summer

School is out. That means kids running around the neighborhood and biking to friends’ houses. Some neighborhoods have an environment where parents feel safe allowing children as young as 8-10 some freedom.  But how much summer freedom is truly safe for kids of all ages? The Good Ole Days Gen X parents fondly remember the...

Summer Vacation Security

Summer Vacation Security

Though summer is when we can unplug, relax, unwind and have some fun, the summer months also see the highest number of home burglaries. Make sure to think about summer vacation security when making plans to be away. Stop Deliveries Many of us no longer receive a newspaper but if you do, pause the service for...

Remember the Garage!

Remember the Garage!

You’ve done your research, comparison shopped for a security system that includes fire and heat detection and are ready to move forward to protect your home and family. You are confident that you have planned for everything you’ll need. But did you remember the garage? Here are some tips for ways to protect your garage...

Safe Holiday Travels

Safe Holiday Travels

Whether you’re traveling by car or plane, a bit of planning can help with safe holiday travels this winter. Our part of the country doesn’t normally get snow or ice, but it CAN happen. It’s also best to be prepared for winter travel if you’re driving to or through an area that can have wintry...

DIY vs Professional Security System

DIY vs. Professional Security Systems

Choices abound in Do-It-Yourself (DIY) security systems these days. Deciding whether to use one of these pre-packaged options or to hire a professional to install your system can take some research. Here are some factors to keep in mind when choosing DIY vs professional security systems.   One Size Fits All vs. Customized Any system...

What do I Need to Know about my Home Alarm?

The intrusion and fire alarm equipment at your home may feel like “set it and forget it.” But do you really understand everything you need to about your home alarm? Especially with new advances in technology, it is as important as ever to know the ins and outs of your home alarm. You will want...

Fifteen Techie Gadgets you Need Today

Birthday, anniversary, or any other gift giving occasion – searching for that perfect gift is always a challenge. For the techie in your life, the latest gadget is always a terrific option. Better yet if that gadget is focused on safety and security – kill two birds with one stone! Give the gift they want...

Do you have Security System Gaps?

Surprisingly, studies have shown that only 25-30% of homes in the US have a security system in place. Many homeowners have older alarms, are not monitored or have just added cameras in key areas. Even those who have a more comprehensive system may still have security system gaps they are not even aware of.  With...

Stopping Porch Pirates in their Tracks

So many things are different in 2020. One thing that sadly does not to seem to have changed is the porch pirates stealing packages! With online holiday shopping expected to be reach new highs this year (Digital Commerce 360), there will be even more opportunities for these thieves to grab delivered packages right off the...

Say Goodbye to the Hidden Key

Few of us still believe we live in a world where doors remain unlocked and bicycles can be safely propped against a tree in the front yard. With increased crimes of opportunity, we must be more diligent than ever. This includes moving away from the age old tradition of a hidden key somewhere on your...

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