crime on campus

Crime on Campus

In recent weeks, the University of Houston community has been deeply affected by a series of crimes on its main campus, sparking widespread concern among students, faculty and parents. While the university has responded with increased security guard presence and other measures, the situation underscores a nationwide concern regarding campus safety. No school can be...

back to school

Let’s Talk Back to School Safety

As we approach the start of a new school year, it’s not just the students and parents who are gearing up—it’s the entire community. We all play a vital role in ensuring our neighborhood kids are safe as they head back to their classrooms. Whether you’re a parent, neighbor, local business-owner or just a friendly...

college dorm safety and security

College Dorm Safety and Security

Many families are preparing to move their college-bound kids into dormitories in the next few weeks. These spaces will become their sanctuaries not only for rest but also for study, socialization and personal growth. Therefore, college dorm safety and security become top priorities for families. Importance of Dorm Safety and Security Peace of Mind: A...

get ready for some football

Get Ready for Some Football!

Some say this is the “most wonderful time of the year” in Texas. No, not back-to-school time, but the beginning of high school football season! We look forward to hearing the crash of football pads, the roar of the crowd and the band playing the school fight song. And in Texas high school stadiums can...

safety tips for online dorm shopping

Safety Tips for Online Dorm Shopping

My social media feed is filling up with pictures of kids moving into fully decked-out dorm rooms. I know my friends have been shopping online and organizing for months to make sure their kids are set up for a successful first year of college. Here are some safety tips for online dorm shopping to avoid...

Smart Tips for Back-to-school Safety

Smart Tips for Back-To-School Safety

It may be hard to believe that summer is winding down and kids are already returning to school this week. After a few months off, now is a great time to remind your children about smart tips for back-to-school safety. We all want healthy and happy kids as the new year kicks off! Transportation Safety:...

Keeping College Students Safe On Campus

Apps to Keep College Students Safe on Campus

You’d be hard-pressed these days to find a college student without a smartphone. Technology has become an invaluable tool for connecting folks with the resources they need. Specifically, apps are available to help college students stay safe on campus. Noonlight (formerly SafeTrek) Noonlight is great for students walking alone. If they feel uncomfortable, they just...

Back-to-School Safety

Back-to-School Safety – On The Road

The coming frenzy of back-to-school time reminds us of specific school-related safety issues. The increased traffic around local schools, especially during drop-off and pick-up times, can create unsafe situations. There are several precautions to take to increase the safety and security of everyone involved. Slow Down and Look Around Whether you have an elementary school...

Dorm Security for your College Student

There are currently more than 20 million students enrolled in college courses, according to the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) National Center for Education Statistics. Many schools require that first-year students live on campus. The dorm is a great way to meet new friends, form study groups and it provides easy access to classes and...

Back to School Safety

Now that school is back in session, routines are set and kids know the plan for getting to and from school. Keeping kids safe on their way to and from school is a top priority. Here are a few tips to make their journey safer. Riding the Bus According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,...

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