National Electrical Safety Month

It’s National Electrical Safety Month

It’s National Electrical Safety Month according to the Electrical Safety Foundation International. Each year in May, the ESFI campaigns to remind us of electrical safety issues at home and at work. Here are some of the key points to remember about electrical safety awareness:

  1. Make sure to turn off the power source before working with electrical equipment or appliances. This helps prevent electrical shocks and fires.
  2. Use insulated tools and wear protective equipment, such as rubber gloves and safety glasses, when working with electricity.
  3. Avoid using electrical equipment or appliances in wet areas, such as bathrooms, kitchens, or outdoors when it’s raining, as water can conduct electricity.
  4. Keep electrical cords and wires away from heat sources, sharp objects, and heavy traffic areas to prevent damage and fraying.
  5. Use only grounded electrical outlets and make sure they are not overloaded with too many devices, which can cause overheating and fires.
  6. Never touch electrical equipment or appliances with wet hands or while standing in water.
  7. If you notice any signs of electrical problems, such as flickering lights, sparks, or burning smells, turn off the power source and call a qualified electrician to assess and repair the issue.

Remembering these basic electrical safety guidelines can help keep you and others safe from electrical hazards.

Cultris Security is here to help! In recognition of National Electrical Security Safety month, let us help protect your home or business with a comprehensive fire and security alarm system. Call us today at 281-506-8466 or contact us online.


Image by Annushka Ahuja on

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