Where should you Hide your Valuables?

You’re ready to go on vacation. You’ve packed your bags, boarded the pets and dropped a spare key off with a friend. Right before you walk out the door, you spy your grandmother’s pearls dangling from the jewelry box. You think about the other valuable items in your home, from jewelry to electronics. Other than a safe-deposit box in a bank vault, where can you safely hide your valuables while you’re gone? Think about a burglar’s wish list.

  • Cash 
  • Jewelry
  • Electronics
  • Prescriptions

Inside the Mind of a Burglar

Burglars move fast, typically spending only 8-13 minutes inside a home. That means they don’t have time to search every nook and cranny.

So, they will typically look in popular hiding places, such as

  • Inside or under drawers
  • Under mattresses
  • Behind wall art or framed photos
  • In a filing cabinet or lock box
  • The toilet tank
  • Spare purses or bags
  • Cookie jar

Right Under Their Noses

While it’s difficult to hide your large electronics, you can hide smaller items of value in various places around your home. Choose locations that are so ordinary they are easily overlooked.

Here are a few examples.

Your Pantry or Kitchen Countertops

Store small valuables in containers filled with dry goods such as rice, flour, beans.

Your Refrigerator

Save condiment containers, rinse them out, and fill with cash, jewelry or other items. Place them back in the refrigerator.

Your Freezer

Defrost a bag of frozen vegetables, cut a small opening, and tuck valuables inside. The freezer is also a good place to store documents in case of a house fire.

Pet Food Bin

Wrap items up and hide at the bottom of the pet food bin.

Your Closet

Few burglars will take the time to rummage through messy closets, making them the perfect hiding spot. Instead of storing valuables in boxes or other containers, hide them in non-suspicious items such as tennis balls.

To do this, make a small slit in the ball, then tuck valuables inside it. The ball will return to its original shape.

Burglars do expect most valuables to be in the master bedroom, so choose another closet instead of the one in your bedroom.

Your Child’s Room

Burglars often bypass a child’s room, so take this opportunity to store items in stuffed animals or even boxes of diapers.

Additional Precautions

In addition to hiding your valuables, be sure to consider these precautions.

Obtain Insurance

Make sure valuable items are insured through a homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy. You should be able to recoup some of the monetary value if an item is stolen. Jewelry and computers often require a special rider to your policy so be sure to check.

Install a Security System

Install a security system to keep an eye on your home while you’re away. Security systems track and monitor activity around your home, giving you peace of mind that your home and its valuables are protected.

Let us ensure your home is safe and secure! Contact us a 281-506-8466 or visit us online!

Article Name
Where should you Hide your Valuables?
Burglars want to get in and out of the house as soon as possible. Be sure to hide your valuables somewhere hard for them to find so if you do have a break-in, they don't get away with anything!

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