What’s Your Fire Prevention Plan?
October 9-15 is National Fire Prevention Week, which begs the question “What’s Your Fire Prevention Plan?” As a security system and fire alarm company, we have written about escape planning and other fire safety tips in the past. Reminding folks to make a plan and test that plan for escaping a fire in their home is one of the most important safety messages we provide.
The National Fire Protection Association sponsors this annual awareness campaign. The theme for 2022 is “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.” In addition, this month marks the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week! It’s a perfect time to keep these prevention and preparation ideas in mind.
Every member of your household should be included in your fire evacuation plan. Family members may have different mobility needs and routes through the house to make it to safety. The plan should include how communication will take place during and after an emergency. Research the planning needs of your specific location, like a high-rise building or apartment, as well as different populations in your household, like children and the elderly. Teach your family what to do if the house becomes filled with smoke or if they become trapped.
Regular cleaning and testing of smoke detectors throughout your house is imperative. And having the correct recommended number of smokes through the house and in the correct locations is also important. Every sleeping area should have a smoke detector inside the room as well as just outside the room. The devices should be interconnected so if one goes off, the others turn on to alert the rest of the house. Batteries should be checked every six months, and the smokes themselves should be replaced after ten years.
Your evacuation plan should include determining a safe meeting spot outside of your home that each member knows about. This should be an easy spot to reach on foot, but far enough away from any potential fire. It’s a good idea to plan for an alternate location in case the first choice is also affected by fire.
Having an escape plan is great but practicing it is vital. Make sure everyone knows what the smoke alarms sound like and what to do when they sound. Immediately following the evacuation route is best, however the classic “Stop, Drop and Roll” should be remembered as well, if clothing ever catches on fire. Remind your family to remain calm during the escape as well.
We Can Help
Cultris Security Systems has been helping families and businesses with their fire and security needs for over 16 years. We can get your smoke alarm system installed or set up monitoring on an existing system. Call us today at 281-506-8466 or visit us online.
Image by Styves Exantus on Pexels.com