Ten Tips for Staying Safe at the Bank
In what is increasingly becoming an almost cashless society, would-be robbers are harder pressed to find victims carrying money. These criminals have decided that to get the cash, they need to go to the source – the banks.
News coverage has recently covered a crime known as “jugging” with a 93-year old woman targeted by thieves after she left the bank. The origin of the term is unknown but may be tied to the slang use of the word “jug” to mean bank.
The “juggers” sit outside the bank and watch for people who are withdrawing money. When they come out, they follow them. The thieves then either break in the car and steal the money or rob the person to get it. While most people don’t make large cash withdrawals on a regular basis, many businesses rely on cash for day to day transactions and people may need extra money to take on a vacation or for a specific purchase.
If you do find yourself needing to get some cash, keep these tips in mind when you go to the bank to keep yourself safe and your money with you where it belongs!
Ten Tips for Protecting your Cash
- At the bank, look for cars that seem to be sitting “in wait.” They may be backed in to a parking space or have people just sitting inside the car.
- Limit distractions – don’t talk on the phone or text at the bank. Stay aware of your surroundings and the people around you.
- Don’t leave your unattended car unlocked or motor running even if you are just quickly getting cash from a walk-up ATM.
- Don’t count your money where others can see you.
- Be watchful of someone following you in or out of the bank or of someone standing too close to you at the ATM. If you think someone is watching you at the ATM, cancel your transaction and move away.
- If you are driving through a teller line or ATM, keep windows closed and doors locked and be on the lookout for anyone approaching on foot or in a vehicle.
- Have everything ready to go before you arrive at the bank so you can move through quickly and aren’t distracted by filling out forms or adding up checks.
- Don’t walk out of the bank holding in plain sight a zippered bank bag or the telltale white envelope that tellers put cash in when you make a withdrawal.
- When you pull out of the bank, be mindful of a car following you. Thieves often wait until you get to your next destination before robbing you or breaking into your car. If you think someone is following you, don’t drive home. Drive to a police or fire station or other busy location and call 911.
- Never leave a money bag, cash envelope or purse in your vehicle even if you will only be gone for a few minutes. Locking the doors is no deterrent as thieves will quickly smash the window to get what they want.
If anything feels suspicious, call 911 and/or notify the bank personnel. Trust your instincts – even if you are not making a withdrawal – you could save another bank customer from being a victim.
Let us help you feel safe in your home or business. Call us at 281-506-8466 or visit us online.
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