Home Office Safety & Security Week
The number of people working from home tripled between 2019 and 2021 to over 27 million, making home office safety a necessary subject for companies and employees alike. Because it’s such an important topic, the first full week of January each year has been named Home Office Safety & Security Week to bring awareness to…
Safe Holiday Travels
Whether you’re traveling by car or plane, a bit of planning can help with safe holiday travels this winter. Our part of the country doesn’t normally get snow or ice, but it CAN happen. It’s also best to be prepared for winter travel if you’re driving to or through an area that can have wintry…
DIY vs. Professional Security Systems
Choices abound in Do-It-Yourself (DIY) security systems these days. Deciding whether to use one of these pre-packaged options or to hire a professional to install your system can take some research. Here are some factors to keep in mind when choosing DIY vs professional security systems. One Size Fits All vs. Customized Any system…
How to Have a Happy (and Safe!) Halloween
Halloween is a highlight of the year for kids – candy, parties, costumes and staying out late – of course it is! Parents may worry about hidden safety hazards, so here is information on how to have a happy and safe Halloween. For Parents and Tricker-or-Treaters When out trick-or-treating, make sure everyone has a buddy…
What do I Need to Know about my Home Alarm?
The intrusion and fire alarm equipment at your home may feel like “set it and forget it.” But do you really understand everything you need to about your home alarm? Especially with new advances in technology, it is as important as ever to know the ins and outs of your home alarm. You will want…
Home Security After a Storm
Continuing on the National Preparedness Month theme for September, we now turn to home security after a storm. The storm may have passed, but what if electricity or water service is out? How do you keep your home and family safe in these conditions? Secure Your Home If high winds damaged windows or doors, make…
National Preparedness Month
September is National Preparedness month in the US, which was created almost twenty years ago to raise awareness of the need to prepare for natural and other disasters and emergencies. There are now hundreds of national, regional and local governments, as well as private and public health institutions that support emergency preparedness efforts, including FEMA,…
How to Create a Secure Perimeter Around Your Home
Burglars are opportunists who look for easy targets. They will strike where they can get in and out without being seen. Homeowners can reduce their risk of being burglarized by making their home a less appealing target. Create a secure perimeter around your home to help protect against burglars, vandals and anyone else who doesn’t…
Home Security Frequently Asked Questions
Looking to add or upgrade a home security system but not sure what you really need or how it all works? These frequently asked questions can help you prepare. Here are some of the things you need to know to get started. Will a Pet Trip My Alarm System? Motion sensors can serve as a…
Signs it is Time to Upgrade your Security System
Do you feel confident your home security system is protecting your home and family around the clock? Are you sure your current system has the latest features and upgrades to stop more savvy burglars? Having a security system is one of the best ways to protect your home from burglary. Studies show that homes with…