survival supplies for winter road travel

Survival Supplies for Winter Road Travel

With the hard freeze arriving in Houston this week, we’ve seen iced over bridges and closed roads in the area. To ensure your safety during winter road trips, even if just around town, it’s essential to be prepared with the right supplies. Here’s a guide to the must-have survival supplies for winter road travel.

Emergency Kit:

Start by assembling a comprehensive emergency kit for your vehicle. This should include a flashlight, extra batteries, a first aid kit and a multipurpose tool. In case of an emergency, these items can be invaluable.

Blankets and Warm Clothing:

Winter temperatures can plummet quickly. If you find yourself stranded, staying warm is crucial. Pack extra blankets, warm clothing, gloves and hats to help you endure the cold. You might be stuck for a while if roads are blocked or while waiting for assistance.

Non-Perishable Food and Water:

Keep non-perishable snacks and bottled water in your vehicle. Granola bars, nuts and dried fruits are good options. Food and water are survival supplies that can sustain you until help arrives.

Ice Scraper:

A sturdy ice scraper are essential tools for dealing with snow-covered or icy roads. Clearing your vehicle and the surrounding area can make it easier for rescue teams to assist you.

Traction Aids:

Equipping your vehicle with salt or cat litter can be useful for gaining traction if your vehicle gets stuck. Sprinkle the salt or litter in the area where the car is slipping on the ice. The theory goes that the material will help tires grip the ground and gain enough traction to move the car.

Jumper Cables:

Cold weather can take a toll on your vehicle’s battery. Because of this jumper cables are needed to restart your car if the battery dies. Keep them in your emergency kit for a quick jumpstart.

Communication Devices:

Ensure you have a fully charged cell phone with a car charger. A portable power bank is also useful in case your phone battery runs low. Consider a two-way radio as an alternative means of communication.

Reflective Warning Triangles:

Visibility can be reduced during winter storms. Reflective warning triangles can alert other drivers to your presence and help prevent accidents.

Medications and Personal Items:

If you have prescription medications, make sure to keep an ample supply in your vehicle. Additionally, include personal items like tissues, hand sanitizer and any necessary hygiene products.

Emergency Plan:

Have a plan in place for emergencies. In addition, share your travel itinerary with someone, and inform them of your expected  arrival time. If possible, stay informed about weather conditions along your route.

By packing these survival supplies, you increase your chances of handling unexpected situations with confidence. Remember, it’s better to be over-prepared than caught off guard during the challenges that winter driving can present. Stay safe on the roads!

Cultris Security is here to help. Contact us ONLINE or at 281-506-8466


Image by el jusuf

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