Summertime – Petty Crime
As the temperatures go up and school lets out, petty crime also tends to rise. Police often attribute it to bored teenagers looking for something to do who are getting up to “no good.” While it might seem to be in good fun for them, these crimes can cause real damage or even escalate. Parents need to talk to their teens about consequences and the line between criminal and fun! It is also a good idea to do what you can to keep your home safe from vandalism and minor theft.
Petty Crime in the Neighborhood
Some of this pettiness is pretty harmless and just annoying to have to clean up – like a toilet papered house. Sometimes the “trespassing” is a victimless crime. Kids jumping the fence at the neighborhood pool after dark seems innocent, but what if there is an accident and someone gets hurt? Other crimes are true vandalism and can cause damage to your home or vehicle. Egging a car or home can hurt the paint or surface, especially when it is very hot outside. Some homeowners have reported plant pots tipped over or broken or mailboxes damaged. All of these items come with a price tag for the resident and a feeling of unease in the neighborhood.
Escalating Activities
When mischief makers don’t see consequences for their actions, they may decide to take things to the next level. They start rummaging through unlocked cars at night and other theft. A bicycle or scooter left in the front yard of a house might be grabbed by a passer-by out looking for such an opportunity. Landscapers and other yard workers have seen their equipment walk off while they are distracted on the job. An Alabama woman was shocked to see young adults on the side of the road throwing heavy objects at passing cars. Something they threw hit her windshield and shattered it. Fortunately, she was able to safely pull over and call the police. But by the time they arrived, the teens were long gone.
Keeping the Pettiness Away
While it is never possible to know where criminals may strike, you can make yourself an undesiarble target to try to keep them away. Deter crime at your home and your street with the following:
- Lighting – well lit homes are the criminal’s nemesis. Unite with neighbors to have outdoor lighting on at dusk every night. Motion lights also give the element of surprise and should send the opportunist on his/her way.
- Cameras – visible cameras on the outside of your home are a good deterrent. Add motion alerts and you will know if someone is on your property before they can cause too much damage.
- Locked doors – lock your car doors. If there are no unlocked cars on the street, they will pass on by the next time.
- Park in the garage – keep your car away from prying eyes by parking in the garage. If that is not possible, park as far up the driveway as you can. Cars on the street are the most vulnerable.
- Remove temptation – no matter how safe you think your street is, have the kids put their bikes and toys away when not in use. When friends come over, move their bikes, etc. to the backyard.
- Report any incident – no matter how small a crime you experience, still report it to the police. Once they start to see a pattern, they may be able to find the perpetrators and put an end to it. Also post about it on your neighborhood social media and NextDoor app. Neighbors need to look out for each other and be on the lookout for similar crimes.
We Can Help!
Cultris Security Systems can help make your home safer. With cameras or even an intrusion alarm, protect your home and those you love from petty crimes or any crimes. Call us at 281-506-8466 or visit us online for more information.