Staying Safe at Sporting Events
From the attack at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta to the Boston Marathon bombing to the suicide bombers outside a soccer game in Paris, criminals and terrorists often target sporting events. These venues attract these types of attacks because of the large number of people all in one place. In addition, there will typically be publicity associated with the events themselves.
Large-scale, pre-planned attacks aren’t the only danger at the game. Sporting events also see fights, purse snatching or other theft. Many experience issues with drunk and disorderly behavior.
To make the games as safe as possible, stadiums and other sports venues have implemented large-scale security measures.
NFL Clear Bag policy
The NFL has a clear bag policy at all NFL games and sponsored events. Regardless of the location, if the event is NFL-sponsored, you can only bring in the following bags:
- small wristlet
- gallon zipper plastic bag
- a clear bag under 12 x 6 x 12 inches
This prevents anyone from sneaking in weapons or other contraband inside a bag.
Security Entrances
Stadiums, concert venues and theaters have put other precautions in place to prevent weapons being brought to the event. These security measures include:
- no backpacks allowed
- restriction on the size of bags
- metal detectors that all attendees must walk through
- search of all bags before entry
Attendees may also have to go through multiple checkpoints to gain entry. To fight the bottlenecks, some arenas have purchased a “fastpass” solution. Under this program, ticket holders get pre-approved via a background check process. On game day, they use a shorter line and then provide a fingerprint or eye scan as identification.
Surveillance and Detection
Stadiums and teams are committed to safe environments for their fans, athletes and employees. Security staff members watch surveillance cameras located around the facility from a screening room during the event. They can then address any risks or issues immediately.
Vapor wake dogs detect the presence of explosive materials. These bomb-sniffing canines identify the scent directly from the air. They don’t need to specifically smell the tens of thousands of attendees. Many venues are considering this technique to proactively thwart an attack.
Drones with cameras can supplement fixed video cameras. Since they are mobile, they can go right to the action. However, there have also been regulations passed to keep unauthorized drones out of the airspace around sporting events.
Don’t Forget Outside
With the increased security inside stadiums, some criminals are relying on the area outside to target the masses. At the soccer game in Paris, one suicide bomber was denied access by the security staff. Instead, he detonated his bomb right outside. In Manchester, England, a bomb was set off outside the arena as people were leaving a concert. Security personnel and video cameras should be expanded to cover the full perimeter of the event to discourage these attacks.
Parking lots and garages as well as transportation hubs nearby should also implement extra security and surveillance before and after events.
What you Can Do
When heading to an event, check online before you go to see what the policies are for security checks and bags. Arrive early so if there are long lines to get in, you don’t miss any of the game. Make note of exits and the best way to get to them if an evacuation is necessary. Remain vigilant and report anything suspicious or someone who is acting aggressive to a security person or employee. Enjoy the game but stay aware of your surroundings before, during and after.
Image Attribution: FrenchBlue Photography