Stay Smart While Shopping Online

Stay Smart While Shopping Online

In the sometimes risky landscape of the internet, where cyber criminals lurk around every virtual corner, it’s crucial to stay smart while shopping online. Just in time for Cyber Monday deals, read on for information about how to increase security while navigating the digital aisles.

  1. Fort Knox Passwords: Your password is the gatekeeper to your digital kingdom, so make it a good one. Mix in some uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols and maybe even a haiku or two. If your password looks like an algebraic equation after a wild night out, you’re doing it right.
  2. Two-Factor Tango: It takes two to tango, and the same goes for securing your accounts. Enable two-factor authentication like your digital life depends on it—because it does. Whether it’s a text message, an app or a carrier pigeon with a secret code, just add that extra layer of security.
  3. Security Questions: Hackers might be adept at cracking codes, but can they solve riddles? Turn your security questions into a stand-up routine. “What’s your favorite movie?” Oh, it’s that obscure documentary about a potato farmer and his talking yam, obviously.
  4. Fake it ‘Til You Make It: Create a decoy email address just for your online shopping escapades. It’s like giving the cyber villains a fake treasure map. 
  5. Cryptic Credit Cards: If your credit card number looks more like an encrypted message from an alien civilization, you’re on the right track. Credit cards usually offer the option to use virtual card numbers so your actual number isn’t provided to the vendor. Your credit card becomes a fortress of financial solitude.
  6. Browsing in Incognito Mode: Think of incognito mode as your invisibility cloak in the digital realm. It’s like wearing sunglasses at night, but for your online shopping exploits. No cookies, no history, just you and your virtual shopping cart cruising under the radar.
  7. Beware of Phishing: Phishing emails are the sly chameleons of the internet jungle. Don’t be fooled by their cunning disguises. If an email claims you’ve won a lifetime supply of virtual cheese and all you need to do is click a suspicious link, resist the temptation. The only cheese you’ll be getting is a mousetrap.

Remember, the internet may be treacherous terrain, but you can outwit even the sneakiest of online marauders by using some of these tips.

Happy shopping from Cultris Security! Contact us online or give us a call at 281-506-8495.



Photo by Marcial Comeron

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