abandoned building where squatter might live

Preventing Squatters at your Property

Did you know there is no criminal law in Texas against squatting? While the process to take over ownership of a property via squatter’s rights is long and cumbersome, the actual act of living in a property that you have no legal claim to is much too easy. State legislators have brought this up as a topic for discussion in next year’s legislative session as reports of squatting are on the rise.

Instead of a criminal process, Texas guides property owners to address a squatter through civil proceedings like eviction.  In many cases, law enforcement takes limited or even no action when a case of squatting is reported, leaving a property owner with an expensive and lengthy court case ahead of them.

What is Squatting?

A squatter is someone who occupies a property that they do not own or have any legal claim to. They typically find an abandoned or vacant property and set themselves up there. Depending on the circumstances of the property ownership, they could be there weeks or months before being discovered and even longer while the legal process to remove unfolds.

How to Prevent Squatters

The best strategy for property owners is to prevent anyone from moving in to the property in the first place. Squatters often look for rural homes that are not visited often. Or they will take advantage of an elderly person’s home when the person is in the hospital or has moved to assisted living. This is especially opportune for them when the family lives out of town. Homes that were left in disrepair after a natural disaster are also targets. Realtors have even discovered squatters in homes that are for sale where the owners have already moved out.

Here are some tips for keeping squatters away:

  • Be Prepared
    • Be sure ownership paperwork is always current and accurate in case you need to prove a case in court.
  • Install an alarm system
    • If you can catch them upon initial arrival, a trespassing or breaking and entering charge can be filed. An alarm system that can be armed remotely and that is monitored for any breaches is a great way to stop anyone trying to scope out the home for a potential move in. A security system sign in the yard is a good deterrent as well.
  • Make the home look lived in
    • A vacant or abandoned house is a big lure to squatters. The key is to make it look like someone is there. Put lights on timers and have someone pick up any newspapers or flyers delivered to the home. Have the mail held or forwarded. Keep the lawn manicured and make any repairs as they arise. Maybe a neighbor will park a car in the driveway to help keep squatters away.
  • Have regular check-ins
    • If the owner or family member can check on the house regularly, they will catch anything suspicious before it goes too far. For out of town owners, a property manager can be hired or even a friendly and willing neighbor.
  • Set up cameras and video monitoring
    • If you cannot be there yourself, a CCTV system is the next best thing. There are many cameras with two way audio where you can speak to anyone coming to the door or entering the premises. Video monitoring can also help. A third party can watch for activity and alert you to anything suspicious or concerning. They can also call the police if needed.

Act Fast

If you do find yourself with a squatter, act fast. This is not the time to try to negotiate or take matters into your own hands. A judge may allow the squatter to stay on the property while a case plays out in court. So getting an attorney and filing right away is essential to recovering your property as soon as possible.

We Can Help

Cultris Security can help you with intrusion alarm monitoring or video monitoring for your property.  Call us at 281-506-8466 or reach us online.

Article Name
Preventing Squatters at your Property
Squatting itself is not a crime in Texas and the civil process can be long and expensive. Prevent squatters at your property with these tips.

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