once the power is back on

Once the Power is Back On…

Hurricane Beryl caused massive power outages in our area earlier this week. Service to many homes and businesses has not been restored yet, and may not be for several more days. A long power outage can be tough, but there are important things to do once the power is back on. Here’s a guide to help you get everything back to normal:

1. Check Electrical Safety

  • Look for Damage: Check for any damage to wires, outlets and appliances. Look for things like frayed wires or scorch marks.
  • Turn Things on Slowly: Turn on appliances and devices one at a time to avoid overloading your circuits.
  • Get Help if Needed: If you see any damage or if your home was flooded, call an electrician before using anything.

2. Check Your Food

  • Check the Temperature: If your fridge has been above 40°F for more than 4 hours, or if your freezer has been above 0°F for a long time, fresh food may no longer be safe to eat.
  • Look for Spoilage: Check for bad smells, colors or textures. When in doubt, throw it out.
  • Dispose Properly: Throw away spoiled food in sealed bags to avoid smells and bacteria. Clean your fridge and freezer before putting new food in.

3. Check Water and Plumbing

  • Look for Leaks: Check your plumbing for leaks or damage. Turn on faucets slowly and listen for strange sounds.
  • Flush Water Lines: If you use a well, run water from all taps to clear out any sediment.
  • Test the Water: If your water system was affected, consider testing the water to make sure it’s safe to drink.

4. Check Your Heating and Cooling

  • Check Settings: Make sure your thermostats are set correctly and that your system is working.
  • Check Filters and Vents: Look at your filters and vents and clean or replace them if needed.
  • Get Professional Help: If your system isn’t working correctly, call a professional for an inspection.

5. Address Health and Safety

  • Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Make sure your detectors are working, especially if you used a generator.
  • Check Medications: If you have medications that need refrigeration, make sure they’re still safe. Ask a pharmacist if you’re unsure.
  • Restock Supplies: Replace any emergency supplies you used, like batteries, food, water and first aid items.

6. Review Your Emergency Plan

  • See What Worked: Think about what went well and what didn’t. Make notes for the future.
  • Communication Plan: Make sure everyone in your family knows how to stay in touch during an emergency.

7. Report and Document Damage

  • Take Photos: Take pictures of any damage to your property.
  • Insurance Claims: Contact your insurance company to report the damage.
  • Utility Company: Let your utility company know about any ongoing issues.

Power outages are frustrating and disruptive, but once the power is back on, it’s important to check your home for issues and problems, and get help if needed. These steps will help you get back to normal and be better prepared for the future.

Cultris Security Systems



Image by kellymlacy @ pexels.com

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