Market Your Property as Safe & Secure
You have invested in a security system protecting the full perimeter of your house and are diligently arming it whenever you leave and at night. But how do you market your property as safe and secure to keep would-be criminals away? Catching someone in the act is better than nothing but deterring crime altogether is a better goal.
Security Yard Sign
Your security yard sign could be the first thing a burglar notices and can help reduce criminal activity. Most are looking for quick and easy theft opportunities. But your sign screams, PROTECTED. To make your home appear less enticing, sign placement is key. Your yard sign should be easy to spot from the road. Good places to position your sign include your driveway curb, front lawn, rear entry, along a wall or fence line, and near your front entry. Be sure the sign isn’t covered with overgrown shrubbery or blocked in any way.
Stick it to Them
Security stickers are another line of defense. A burglar trying to gain entry through a lower floor window may change his mind when he sees the security sticker posted there. The risk of an alarm going off as soon as he breaks the glass or raises the window should make him rethink his strategy. The stickers should be posted inside the window (but with the information facing out) or be weatherproof to avoid getting damaged outside.
Smile for the Camera
Visible cameras give one more reason for an opportunist criminal to move on by. Knowing that they could be caught on tape breaking the law is a deterrent for MOST criminals. And for those who try to damage or remove the camera to prevent that, you will have a nice up close image of them saved to your recording device or in the cloud to help identify them.
That’s Lit
A well-lit home is the enemy of the thief sneaking around in the dark. Especially for crimes of opportunity, like rifling through unlocked cars, the cover of darkness boosts their confidence in getting away with it. In addition to regular outdoor lighting, motion-sensor lights help to light up the night. Because they come on suddenly, they can startle the trespasser and even alert you that someone is onsite.
We Can Help Market your Property as Safe and Secure!
Get your Cultris Security stickers or signs today to help market your property as safe and secure! Call us at 281-506-8466 or request online. We can also help ensure your security systems are up and running smoothly.