Insurance Perks for your Alarm System
Did you know that most insurance companies offer a discount on your homeowners policy for a monitored alarm? In addition, if you have security alarm coverage for your entire home and your smoke detectors are tied in to this alarm system, you can often get an even bigger discount from your insurer. Depending on the carrier, these alarm system insurance perks may add up to a 2-15% discount. Furthermore, deadbolt locks and motion lighting on top of a security alarm system can help you get the biggest discounts available.
Insurance Perks
Check with your homeowners insurance company to see whether you can benefit from this discount. They may ask you to confirm the following before reducing your rates:
- monitored alarm – does the system call out to a central station? An alarm that can create a police dispatch is the most desirable (vs locally sounding only).
- full perimeter coverage – are all your doors and windows covered? A full security system helps provide the biggest discounts.
- smoke detectors – are your smoke detectors tied in to the alarm system or stand-alone? A combined, monitored service may help first responders respond quickly.
- locks – do you have deadbolts on all of the doors? Securing your space prevents crimes of opportunity, which warrants a savings on insurance premiums.
- outdoor lighting – is your home well lit at night? Any special features like motion sensing lights? Making your home less desirable to thieves may allow for a reduction in fees.
- contract – when does your monitoring contract expire? Having it end after your insurance policy ends can trigger a discount.
Obviously, these alarm system features not only help you obtain perks from your insurance company, but they also have the benefit of keeping you and your family safe!
We Can Help
Already have a system that you are not using? Looking to upgrade or add coverage to your current alarm? Cultris Security Systems can help. We have been providing installation, service and monitoring to residential customers across Houston for almost 17 years! Call us today at 281-506-8466 or reach us online to request a quote.
Similarly, current customers – let us know if your insurance company needs an alarm certificate from us and we can get that right over to you to help you gain those discounts!