Idle Hands Looking for Mischief
As summer break from school starts to draw to a close, many young people have returned from vacation, finished camps and boredom has set in. For most this means sleeping late and getting that summer reading assignment done. For a few though, idle hands are a formula for mischief-making. Petty crime always goes up in the months when there are teenagers trying to fill their days. Mostly it is harmless or at least victimless, but what about when things escalate?
Trespassing after hours at parks, playgrounds or swimming pools is a common adventure and almost even a rite of passage. It is low risk and, if caught, they will likely just be run off with no real consequences. But when the trespassing isn’t enough anymore, and things escalate, that’s when the true petty crime comes into play. Instead of swimming after hours, now someone is throwing all of the pool furniture into the pool. Kids hanging out behind the neighborhood clubhouse turns into them using a broom handle to break the security camera.
Walking through the neighborhood after dark evolves into checking for unlocked car doors and rifling through consoles and glove boxes. Deter these crimes of opportunity like bicycle thefts and mail theft with lighting, cameras and access control.
Don’t be a Target
Homeowners and HOAs can do a lot to keep the mischief from idle hands from turning into true crime. For the scenarios described above with the camera damage and throwing the furniture into the pool, the HOAs watched the crime on recorded video and identified the perpetrators. They all had consequences, either financially or criminally. Repercussions are a good way to stop the escalation in its tracks.
In addition to having CCTV systems to save video of any events, video monitoring can stop it while it is occurring. By having a service that watches the cameras and immediately reports on or dispatches police on suspicious activity, the damage can be prevented. Neighborhoods with gates requiring a card to gain access can also limit their exposure to outsiders looking to make mischief.
A well-lit area is a strong deterrent to crime on your street. Motion-activated lighting especially can surprise someone walking up your driveway looking for easy pickings. And a doorbell camera will alert you right away to anyone coming up the walkway or to the front door.
We Can Help!
Let Cultris Security Systems help you fight idle hands and keep petty crime away. Call us at 281-506-8466 or visit us online to learn more about our security solutions.