home security after a storm

Home Security After a Storm

Continuing on the National Preparedness Month theme for September, we now turn to home security after a storm. The storm may have passed, but what if electricity or water service is out? How do you keep your home and family safe in these conditions?

Secure Your Home

If high winds damaged windows or doors, make sure to securely cover them with plywood. This prevents not only weather and pests from entering your home, but also anyone looking to steal from empty homes in the aftermath. Tarps may be used on holes in your roof. Carefully pick up any debris that may be blocking the street. Keep an eye out for nails, broken glass and other sharp, injury-causing items. Use caution around downed power lines as well to stay safe from electrocution. Arm your security system, which probably has a back-up battery that will extend the functionality of the system.

Work Together

If a large number of residents leave due to lack of power or water, thieves may be attracted to the deserted streets and empty homes. It makes sense to work with your neighbors to protect each other’s property after a natural disaster. Devise a home security schedule to take turns returning to your street so it looks more fully inhabited. Leave parked cars in driveways if possible.

Living Safely

If you do stay in your home after a storm, possibly with no power and/or water, make sure to take precautions against food- and water-borne illnesses. You may need to boil water and throw out any food that goes bad. Stocking up on bottled water and non-perishable food items before the storm can help tide you over for a several days.

We Can Help!

Cultris Security Systems can help you determine how to secure your home and property. Contact us at 281-506-8466 or visit us online – we’re here to help!


Image by Emma Gonzalez on Pixabay

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