Getting the Goods: Smash and Grab
Smash and Grab in Retail
A recent scare at Memorial City Mall in Houston was thought to be an active shooter based on the loud sounds heard by many shoppers and employees. Mall security and management implemented emergency lockdown procedures and the police arrived to search for the perpetrator. Eventually police determined that the sound was not from a gun. It was actually a smash and grab attempt at a jewelry store.
The would-be thief used a hammer to try to break a glass display case with the intent of stealing the Rolex watches. When approached by a security guard, he fled the mall.
A jewelry store in Sugar Land was also subject to a smash and grab recently. Unfortunately, in this case, the two criminals got away with $2 million in jewelry grabbed from the cases.
A New Kind of Drive Through
Store owners and employees certainly don’t want to have their store smashed by a hammer. But smash and grab can escalate beyond that for some convenience stores and gas stations. The weapon of choice in these scenarios is a vehicle. The robbers smash their vehicle through the glass doors or front of the building to gain access and use the element of surprise. They then load the ATM or cases of beer or other products into the vehicle and take off.
Remove the Enticement
While stores cannot hide jewelry or an ATM (that would defeat the purpose), perceived valuables should be hidden when left in your vehicle. Thieves trying to quickly steal items from a parked car use a small inexpensive device to smash the window. They then reach in and grab items or reach in and unlock the door for full access.
To protect yourself from these opportunists, don’t leave anything of interest to them left in plain view in your car. Follow these tips to prevent a smash and grab of your car:
- Don’t leave obviously valuable items like a laptop or purse in your car while you quickly run inside somewhere. The promise of a quick return makes you feel like this is a safe plan, but the thieves need less than a minute for a smash and grab.
- Don’t leave perceived valuables in plain sight either. You may think a thief would not be interested in an empty box or gym bag but that’s because you know what is inside each. The thief may think there is an expensive pair of shoes or electronics device inside.
- Tint your car windows to the darkest allowable by law. If they can’t see in, they will be less likely to break the window.
- Park wisely. This means in the garage or close to the house when at home. When in a parking lot, park as close as you can to your destination but avoid areas that have low visibility or parking spaces with large vehicles parked on either side. Both give cover to a smash and grabber.
- Be aware. Some car smash and grabs happen while the car owner is nearby. You may be pumping gas and they get you from the other side of the car. Or they can strike when you are loading groceries in your trunk. Watch for people who don’t seem to have a purpose, are lurking around or who seem to be watching you.
Stay Safe
The smash and grab thief doesn’t care who is around or who sees them. Their goal is to get in and get out. That means it could happen at any time, any place. Be aware and alert and always ready to protect yourself and your loved ones if you are exposed to one of these desperate crimes.