Equipment Theft – Keeping your Items Safe
Last week in Houston, three brothers were arrested on suspicion of landscaping equipment theft over the last several months. This organized crime ring targeted landscapers while they were working! The crew would be in the backyard or out of sight of their vehicles and this gang would steal their equipment. They would take riding lawn mowers, regular mowers and other machinery right off the trailer. In some cases, they unhitched the trailer and attached it to their own truck and took the whole thing.
A Top Spot We don’t Want!
It isn’t just landscaping equipment that is at risk. The National Association of Home Builders estimates that contractors lose about $1 billion a year to tool theft. A study from 2016 showed that Texas has the most equipment thefts. And Houston was the top city! And the worse part is, once it’s gone, it is really gone. Only 21% of stolen equipment was recovered in 2016.
Tips for Contractors and Landscapers
While it is hard to fight criminals as brazen as the three brothers arrested last week, there are things workers can do to try to deter crime and keep their items safe and secure.
- Lock the truck – even when working nearby. Some landscapers work with several homes on the same block and may leave the truck parked at one house and move on foot. The farther away from the vehicle, the more vulnerable they are.
- Lock the hitch too -hitch locks are available that prevent someone else attaching the trailer to their hitch and taking off.
- GPS – those GPS devices aren’t just for tracking teenagers. They can be installed on trucks, trailers and even lawn equipment. Then use an app to be notified of a change in location.
- Secure equipment – get locking devices or even a chain and attach equipment to the vehicle or trailer while not in use. Lock tools and smaller equipment in a toolbox that is installed in the truck and cannot be easily stolen.
- Make it difficult – install a steering wheel lock, hidden shut off switch or a keyless ignition that uses a passcode.
- ID your stuff – etch the name of your company into the metal or paint it a distinctive color.
- Rent a storage unit – have somewhere to store items overnight or over the weekend. Leaving valuable tools and equipment in your truck or trailer even parked on your own street can attract thieves.
Keeping Crime off your Street
No one wants crime at their house or on their street even if it’s not your items that are stolen. Deter crime by having lots of outside lighting (with motion detectors). Most criminals want to covertly get in and get what they want so bright lights will not appeal to them. A visible camera system is also a good way to keep thieves moving right along. If the cameras don’t catch them in the act, they can be used to identify them later.
When you are having work done on the house, keep materials and tools in the garage or rent a portable storage unit that can be locked. And a Beware of Dog sign may help keep people from snooping around on your property. A barking dog will help t00!
We Can Help!
Cultris Security has been helping to keep homes and businesses safe for 13 years. Call us today at 281-506-8466 or visit us online to see how we can help you too!