How to Create a Secure Perimeter Around Your Home

How to Create a Secure Perimeter Around Your Home

Burglars are opportunists who look for easy targets.  They will strike where they can get in and out without being seen. Homeowners can reduce their risk of being burglarized by making their home a less appealing target. Create a secure perimeter around your home to help protect against burglars, vandals and anyone else who doesn’t...

Staying Safe at the Grocery Store

Last year, an Arizona man was caught on surveillance video trying to leave the grocery store with a woman’s shopping cart with her infant in the carseat inside. Luckily the woman realized right away and chased him down. Earlier this year, a woman was kidnapped from the parking lot of a grocery store in South...

Stopping Porch Pirates in their Tracks

So many things are different in 2020. One thing that sadly does not to seem to have changed is the porch pirates stealing packages! With online holiday shopping expected to be reach new highs this year (Digital Commerce 360), there will be even more opportunities for these thieves to grab delivered packages right off the...

Beware the Masked Criminal

While wearing masks may be an annoyance for many, for some with ill-intent, hiding their face works in their favor. Criminals would have drawn unwanted attention to themselves with a face covering in the past, but these days, an exposed face is the shocking sight instead. In addition to allowing criminals to hide in plain...

true cost of a home burglary

The True Cost of a Home Burglary

A home burglary will impact you and your family in many ways. A big hit to your pocketbook is one of the most obvious effects. But, lost productivity and emotional effects are also common for victims.  It is important to understand the true cost of a home burglary. Stolen Property Your loss of property is...

Staying Safe on the Road

Whether you are taking a long road trip or just on your daily commute, being on the road presents its own set of dangers. Staying safe on the road means more than just being a defensive driver and steering clear of road rage. Predators and car thieves are just waiting for the right opportunity to...

Remove Temptation - shut down crimes of opportunity

Removing Temptation – Shutting Down Crimes of Opportunity

Recent online posts reveal people waking in the morning to discover thieves have rifled through their cars during the night and taken items. Not surprisingly, replies indicate others on the same street or nearby experienced the same thing on the same night! The common thread almost every time is that the car doors were left...

Fighting a High Tech Peeping Tom

According to writings from centuries ago, the expression Peeping Tom came from the man who broke the promise not to look when Lady Godiva rode naked through the town. In modern times, the name refers to someone caught spying on others. Typically, they are watching the person in their home or other private area. Also...

Thieves Hacking your Online Accounts

One Sunday afternoon in the early summer, I was sitting on the back porch shopping online on my phone.  I ordered cat doors and a few other low priced items from Home Depot.  The items arrived later that week and I thought nothing more about it. The next weekend, again I was sitting on the...

Knowledge is Power – Staying Connected

How do you know about criminal activity in your neighborhood or area? Staying connected to neighbors and local authorities is a good way to get information about what is going on.  There are also sites that you can use to search for crime in your zip code. Knowledge is Power One way to stay on...

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