School Vandalism

Stop School Vandalism Before It Begins

Schools should provide a safe, distraction-free environment in which students can learn and excel in their academic studies. Unfortunately, though, it’s not uncommon for schools to become the target of vandalism. According to the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, 38% of schools reported having one or more incidents of vandalism either on the school...


6 Ordinary Places to Hide Your Valuables

You’re ready to go on vacation! You’ve packed your bags, boarded the pets and dropped a spare key off with a friend. Right before you walk out the door, you spy your grandmother’s pearls dangling from the jewelry box. You think about the other valuable items in your home, from jewelry to electronics. Other than a safe-deposit...

Home Burglary

Top 6 Items Stolen During a Home Burglary

Ever wonder what items thieves are most interested in during a home burglary? Items, such as cash, are pretty obvious, but burglars are also looking for items they can sell or pawn for quick cash. Keep reading for a list of the six most stolen items. 1. Cash It should come as no surprise cash...

home security

2 Ways to Plan for the Worst

You’re gathered in your family room with your family for movie night. Just as the movie’s theme music begins playing, you suddenly hear a glass breaking at the front of the house, then voices. Usually, the intruders’ intent is to steal cash, jewelry and anything else they can sell, often to buy drugs. However, sometimes a...

crimes on your street

7 Tips to Shut Down Crimes of Opportunity on Your Street

Recent posts on neighborhood communication tools like NextDoor and Facebook reveal people waking in the morning to discover thieves have rifled through their cars during the night and taken items. Replies to these posts indicate others on the same street or nearby experienced the same thing on the same night! The common thread almost every...

ring doorbell, security system

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Security System

Statistics show homes with a security system are up to three times less likely to be burglarized, attesting to the power of professional security. But not all systems are made equal, and there are a few things to consider when choosing one. 1. Is it Monitored? A monitored security system will give you peace of...

gym safety

Going to the Gym? Ways to Stay Safe

You decided 2017 is the year to get in shape! You are on a mission to lose those 20 stubborn pounds, so off to the gym, you go. It’s a place where you can get your body moving, socialize and have a little “me” time. You may feel at home at your gym, but the...

after a burglary

How to Handle Yourself After a Burglary

If you return home to discover that your property has been burglarized, do you know what to do? Hopefully, you never find yourself in this position, but it’s still a good idea to have a plan in place following a burglary. Doing so will streamline the process of getting your life back to “normal” working...

Craiglist - turn stolen items into cash

How Burglars Turn Stolen Goods Into Cash

Do you have laptops, jewelry, cash, small electronics, firearms or prescription medicine in your home? Burglars will steal just about anything if they believe it can be easily resold for cash — and these are some of their favorite items. A typical burglar will work fast, scooping up as many items as possible during a...

rules - home security rules

Home Security Ground Rules for Family Members and Guests

Do you have children or house guests in your home on occasion? Or extended family who often stay with you? If so, do they all know the basic rules about keeping your home safe from burglars and criminals? For example: Do your children give out your garage passcode to friends? Do your house guests and...

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