secure your home while you're away, vehicle packed for trip

How to Secure Your Home While You are Away

It’s estimated that 60% of residential burglaries occur during the daytime hours when homes are unoccupied. Of course, it’s impossible to occupy your home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, nor would you want to. Most of us must leave our homes during the day for work and for longer stretches of time...

burglar strikes while you are home, pawn shop sign - stolen items

Top 6 Items Stolen During a Home Burglary

Ever wonder which items are most common stolen during a home burglary? Some items, such as cash, are pretty obvious, but burglars are also looking for things they can sell or pawn. We’ve compiled a list of the top 6 stolen items here: Cash It should come as no surprise that cash is among the...

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