What to do if your Wallet is Stolen

While purse snatching still occurs, people have been finding lately that just the wallet is the real prize.  Pick pockets may sneak a man’s wallet out of his pocket on a busy street. And many women are now reporting their wallets going missing right out of their purses. Protecting the Goods A whole new level...

Protecting yourself on Buy, Sell, Trade (BST) Sites

Remember the days when you had to rely on garage sales or resale or consignment stores to sell your gently used items?  While both of these still exist as options, the biggest opportunity for reselling is online through Buy, Sell, Trade (BST) sites.  Everyone has heard of Craig’s List or eBay and probably even Marketplace...

Protect your Mail from Thieves

From smash and grabs from your car to packages disappearing off your porch, it seems nothing is safe from thieves anymore. But sometimes the criminal is looking for more than just a quick item or cash.  Those targeting mailboxes are often looking for credit cards and other private information that they can use to steal...

Keeping your Credit Card Info Safe

Whether it is a debit card or credit card, few of us make it through the day without making a card purchase of some sort. Online shopping, gas, food, paying bills or a retail purchase may have you pulling out your card and swiping, keying in or inserting. Large data breaches make the news but...

Staying Safe at the Gas Station

Earlier this year in southwest Houston, two men killed a woman while she waited in the car at a gas station. Her family members had gone inside the store while she waited with the car. The would-be carjackers approached the car, opened the doors and then shot and killed her.  They then took off on...

Trusting your Instincts

You are walking through the grocery store on a Monday evening. The store is not very crowded and yet you continue to see the same man over and over. You are sure it is a coincidence but still skip a few aisles just to be safe. He appears again. This time you notice he doesn’t...

Crime Against Seniors

The baby boomer generation is reaching retirement age and the average lifespan is in the late 70s. As a result, many families are dealing with elder care needs. This can be anything from senior communities to assisted living to full nursing care. Often, these seniors are highly vulnerable to crimes against them, including theft, identity...

Distressed Stranger or Con Artist? How to Tell ….

The Plea for Help Whether it is at the gas station, outside a restaurant or store or just in the street, most people have been approached by a distressed stranger with a hard luck story asking for help. Sometimes the young woman has locked her keys in the car with her purse inside. Once the...

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