pool gate access control

Is your Community Ready for Pool Season?

Even though the calendar shows it will be springtime for the next few months, the temperature will soon make us feel like it is summer already! With the hot weather comes the opening of pool season. There are many requirements for pool safety, including the need to have a public pool enclosed in a protected...

change your clocks, change your batteries

Change Your Clocks, Change Your Batteries

Daylight Savings Time is not just about resetting your clocks. It’s also the perfect reminder to check and change your batteries in your smoke detectors. While it may seem like a small task, it could be a lifesaver. Here’s why you should make changing your smoke detector batteries a priority when the clocks spring forward...

streamlining visitor management

Streamlining Visitor Management

Streamlining visitor management for your business requires an efficient and secure solution such as a cloud-based access control system. If there is a fire emergency, a threat to the building or some other reason for evacuation, having an easy-to-use visitor access system can help emergency responders prioritize rescue efforts and account for everyone’s whereabouts. Additional...

security system basics

Security System Basics

We discuss a variety of security and safety topics in this blog, but let’s back up and go over some security system basics. Most security systems have multiple components that connect to a main base station, which then links up with a mobile app.  Usually, these systems use Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or cellular connections to talk...

Leap Day Traditions

Happy Leap Day!

Every four years, we’re gifted an extra day in February ~ Happy Leap Day! We all know the reason is to keep our calendars in sync with the Earth’s orbit around the sun. This phenomenon has sparked unique traditions and superstitions around the world. For some it adds a touch of excitement to an otherwise ordinary...

fire extinguisher esssentials

Fire Extinguisher Essentials

Enduring a house or office fire can be devastating. However, learning some fire extinguisher essentials can be the difference between a small mishap and a disastrous blaze. Let’s delve into the proper use of fire extinguishers to safeguard lives and property. Choose the Right Type Fire extinguishers come in various types, each designed to combat...

tips to thwart car thieves

Tips to Thwart Car Thieves

More than 50 vehicles are stolen in Houston every single day. You may wonder if there is anything you can do to prevent it. With some simple precautions and awareness, you can significantly reduce the risk of your car being stolen. Check out these easy tips to thwart car thieves. Secure Your Car: This may...

american heart month health tips

American Heart Month Health Tips

February is American Heart Month and is all about awareness and heart heath tips. American Heart Month was first declared in 1964, and is a great time to learn more about heart health basics, dispel some myths, and equip ourselves with important heart knowledge. Love Your Lifestyle, Love Your Heart: First things first, let’s talk...

flammable liquids burn

Awareness Alert: Flammable Liquids Burn

National Burn Awareness Week is coming up again, with the 2024 theme being “Flammable Liquids Burn.”  The American Burn Association sponsors this annual campaign each year to bring awareness to what can cause these devastating injuries to aid in preventing them. Understanding these substances is important for preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of ourselves...

Privacy Settings on Social Media

Privacy Settings on Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to connect with friends, share our experiences and stay updated on the latest trends. However, with the convenience of social media comes the need to safeguard our personal information and protect ourselves from potential fraud. By understanding privacy settings...

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