How to Test your Security System

Did you know you are supposed to test your security system on a regular basis? The system or the monitoring company will typically alert you to any issues apparent on the system. However, the best practice is to test it yourself as well. There could be other factors unrelated to the alarm itself that you...

Protecting your Place of Worship

In an ideal world, criminals would have the respect to know certain places were totally off limits. Surely no one would be malicious or desperate enough to burglarize or vandalize a place of worship. Sadly, this isn’t the case. Burglars will break in anywhere they believe there are items of value. Why Religious Facilities Are...

Getting the Goods: Smash and Grab

Smash and Grab in Retail A recent scare at Memorial City Mall in Houston was thought to be an active shooter based on the loud sounds heard by many shoppers and employees. Mall security and management implemented emergency lockdown procedures and the police arrived to search for the perpetrator. Eventually police determined that the sound...

9 Tips to Improve your Restaurant Security

Dining out is a relaxing experience, but it can be dangerous for those working in this industry. The hours are late, and the patrons can be unpredictable. Any business that is open to the public runs the risk of crime. Restaurant security should be an important concern for owners, managers and employees. In addition, restaurants...

storage unit theft

Don’t Be a Victim of Storage Unit Theft

Are you one of the 11 million Americans renting a storage unit? While storage units are a useful way to declutter your home and store items while you move, they are becoming a popular target for theft. Thieves often target storage facilities because they provide them easy access to hundreds of items in one location....

safety during the holidays

5 Tips for Keeping Your Business Secure During the Holidays

It’s not uncommon for commercial businesses to close temporarily during certain holidays. For instance, there are ten federal holidays observed in the US. But even if you operate a private business, you may still close your doors on certain holidays, which can subsequently place your business at risk for burglary, vandalism and criminal mischief. So,...

top business security myths

Business Security Myths

Security should be a top priority for all business owners. Don’t fall victim to these common business security myths when planning your business security. My Business Isn’t Vulnerable to Theft Think your business is safe from theft? Think again. All businesses are susceptible to theft. Retailers alone report billions of dollars of stolen goods each...

Stop them in their Tracks with Video Verification

With cameras on every smartphone these days, it seems every event is easily captured on video and can quickly go viral.  But what about for the times when there isn’t anyone around and your business is vulnerable to theft or burglary? Video Verification for your Business Many businesses rely on video cameras to keep their...

securing your business

Key Ways to Secure the Exterior of Your Business

The exterior of your business provides a buffer between the outside world and your business’ assets.  Business assets include: Confidential information Computer systems Human life Many businesses are so focused on protecting their internal assets they overlook their building’s exterior. Here are two key ways to secure the exterior of your business. 1. Install a Security...

workplace violence

Preventing Workplace Violence: Emergency Action Plan

  Working at a company that interacts with the public regularly is the number one risk factor for workplace violence. Employers should be prepared for a range of situations, including: Active shooter Robberies Bomb threats Coworker on coworker assault Customer on employee assault While you can’t always prevent a dangerous incident, you can take measures...

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