National Preparedness

Take Control with Emergency Preparedness Planning

National Preparedness Month is recognized each September to encourage community emergency planning. Floods, wildfires and hurricanes remind us to prepare for the unexpected. We should take control with emergency preparedness planning. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website at has all sorts of preparedness resources. The Preparedness campaign each September has a specific theme...

prepare for possible wildfires

Prepare for Possible Wildfires

With the prolonged record-breaking heat and lack of rain in Texas this year, ideal conditions are being created for wildfires even in places that are not normally at risk. Texas has issued a wildfire disaster declaration for about 75% of the counties in the state. The unpredictable nature of wildfires often catches people off-guard and...

idle hands

Idle Hands Looking for Mischief

As summer break from school starts to draw to a close, many young people have returned from vacation, finished camps and boredom has set in. For most this means sleeping late and getting that summer reading assignment done. For a few though, idle hands are a formula for mischief-making. Petty crime always goes up in...

Safety tips for arriving home after dark

Safety Tips for Arriving Home After Dark

It’s past midnight when Sandy arrives home after dark. The street is quiet and though she’s only a few steps from her front door, she’s anxious about the short trip from the car. If you’ve ever arrived home late at night, you can relate to Sandy’s anxiety. You don’t know what or who lurks in...

Young people are spelling out July 4th with sparklers

Let Freedom Ring!

It’s the 4th of July Happy Independence Day from Cultris Security Systems! We will be closed on Tuesday, July 4 and have limited staffing on July 5. Stay safe in the heat and be careful with the fireworks! Let Freedom Ring!       Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

hot car death

Park, Look, Lock – Avoiding Hot Car Deaths

According to the US Department of Transportation, over 940 children have died of heatstroke over the last 25 years after being trapped in a hot car. More than half of these hot car deaths were because the caregiver accidentally left the child in the car. As a result, there have been education campaigns and even...

fireworks safety awareness

Fireworks Safety Awareness Week

The week of June 28-July 4, 2023 is the Third Annual Fireworks Safety Awareness Week declared by Prevent Blindness, a non-profit, voluntary organization dedicated to fighting blindness and saving sight. Playing with fire can create dangerous situations. Always keep  these safety tips in mind, especially when children or pets are around. Use fireworks and sparklers...

National Safety Month

June Is National Safety Month

Preventable injuries are the 4th leading cause of death in the United States. These accidental injuries can happen anywhere, including at home, traveling in a car, at work and even in public spaces. National Safety Month is a great time to review ways to prevent accidents and increase safety for you and your loved ones....

Hurricane Season is Here

Are You Prepared for Hurricane Season?

hHurricane Season for the Houston area begins June 1. Preparing for the possibility of a hurricane is crucial for the safety and well-being of individuals and communities. Are you prepared for this year’s hurricane season? Here are some things to keep in mind. Personal Safety and Preparedness Hurricanes can be extremely dangerous and cause significant...

National Heat Awareness Day

Beat the Heat on National Heat Awareness Day

Those stiflingly hot and humid days of a Houston summer are on their way. On National Heat Awareness Day, which is Friday, May 26 this year, use the acronym H.E.A.T as a way to remember how to beat the heat and stay safe. H is for Hydrate Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout...

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