cash register - check out station
Commercial Security Video Surveillance

Is Employee Theft Cutting into Your Business’s Profits?

Employee theft is a major problem that’s often overlooked by retailers and small business owners. According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), up to 30% of all business failures are the result of employee theft. As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to implement the necessary safeguards to protect your business from this type of...

burglary - broken door - home security
Network Security Residential Security Video Surveillance

Home Security Myths and Misconceptions

Crime Doesn’t Happen in My Neighborhood Think your home is safe from burglary because you live in a nice neighborhood? Unfortunately, many homeowners have the perception of security due to their geographic location. In reality, though, burglars can strike anywhere, anytime. Some burglars will even target “nice neighborhoods,” assuming the homes contain more valuables. If...

college-school security
Access Control Commercial Security School Security Video Surveillance

6 Tips to Protect Your School from Vandalism

Schools should provide a safe, distraction-free environment in which students can learn and excel in their academic studies. Unfortunately, though, it’s not uncommon for schools to become the target of vandalism. According to the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, 38% of schools reported having one or more incidents of vandalism either on the school...

burglary, door that has been broken
Residential Security

What to Do in the Aftermath of a Burglary

If you return home to discover that your property has been burglarized, do you know what to do? Hopefully, you never find yourself in this position, but it’s still a good idea to have a plan in place following a burglary. Doing so will streamline the process of getting your life back to “normal” working...

cattle sunset - ranch security
Commercial Security Ranch Security Video Surveillance

The Hurdles (and Solutions) of Rural Ranch Security

From the majestic sunsets to the untapped landscape, there’s nothing that compares to living on a ranch. Because ranches are often located in rural areas outside of the city, however, they may become a target for burglars and vandals. However, ranch security doesn’t have to be out of reach. A Proactive Approach to Securing Your...

UPS - FedEx trucks delivering packages, packages
Residential Security

Protecting Your Shipped Packages from Theft

An estimated 23 million Americans have had packages stolen, but the good news is that you can protect your shipped packages from theft by following some simple steps. It’s frustrating when you order a product but never receive it. You may spend hours on the phone, trying to determine what happened to it. But when...

access control panel gate, fine sign permit
Commercial Security Residential Security

Do I Need a Permit for an Alarm System?

Congratulations on your decision to install an alarm system! It’s the single most effective way to protect against burglary, while also lowering the cost of your homeowner’s insurance premium. Studies have shown that homes with alarm systems are three times less likely to be burglarized when compared to homes without alarm systems. But unless you...

njured Piggy Bank WIth Crutches
Residential Security

Uncovering the True Cost of a Home Burglary

Victims of home burglary are often forced to shell out big bucks in order to replace their stolen items. But there are other costs associated with burglary, as well. Stolen Property The most obvious cost associated with a home burglary is stolen property. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reports, the...

emergency lights on top of vehicle, protect against workplace violence
Commercial Security

Protection Against Workplace Violence

When you think of the most common types of work-related injuries, “violence” probably doesn’t come to mind. However, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says that roughly 2 million American workers are victims of on-the-job violence each year. Some of these cases are minor, resulting in nothing more than verbal arguments, but others are...

facebook thumbs down, social media, burglary target
Commercial Security Residential Security

Is Social Media Making Your Property a Target for Burglars?

Social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become an integral part of our daily lives. According to the Pew Internet Project, nearly 3 in 4 U.S. adults now use social media on a regular basis — a number that’s expected to increase in the years to come. While posting new updates about your...

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