a dog beating the heat inside

Helping your Pets Beat the Heat

As temperatures are already soaring, staying cool is on the top of everyone’s list. Don’t forget about pets this summer as well. Make sure you have everything in place to help them beat the heat. The Red Cross even offers an online course for dog and cat first aid.

If the temperatures are too hot for you, they are definitely too high for pets! They can get heat stroke, especially those with thicker coats, shorter snouts and that are overweight.

Signs of Heat Stroke in Pets

Be on the lookout for these indicators from the Red Cross that your pet may be in trouble. If you see evidence of heat stroke, act quickly and cool the pet down with the water hose and get to the vet right away.

  • Unable to stand on their own
  • Panting excessively
  • Fast pulse
  • Brick red gums

Beat the Heat

The Red Cross shared these tips for helping your pet to beat the heat.

  • If possible to keep them indoors for the majority of the day, that is the goal! If they have to be outside, be sure they have access to shade and plenty of water for drinking.
  • Walk dogs at the coolest part of the day – early morning or at dusk. Test the sidewalk to see if it is too hot for their paws. Walk on grass or cooler surfaces.
  • Never leave them in a hot vehicle, even for a short amount of time, If you leave them with the vehicle running, be sure there is not a time out function that turns the car off automatically.  It only takes ten minutes for a car to jump up 20 degrees.
  • Some dogs may like to take a swim to cool off but don’t leave them unsupervised by the pool.
  • Make sure they have access to get back inside if they do go out. Be sure the doggie door opens both ways or that any open doors or windows allow re-entry.

Keeping an eye on your pets while you are gone can give you peace of mind that they are weathering the weather well. Call us at 281-506-8466 or visit us online to see how we can help.

Article Name
Helping your Pets Beat the Heat
If it is too hot to be outside for you then it is too hot for pets as well. Help pets beat the heat by keeping them inside and cool!

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